What was the point of yolo'ing 2500 troops at Reyvadin? Was trying to find this discussed, but didn't see it anywhere else on forums...
Greatsage had been building up his army over a period of 3 months with the sole intent of dealing FCC a crippling, humiliating blow. It was only recently (approx. 1.5 to 2 weeks) that it was decided by the involved parties that Reyvadin would be the target. So many troops were in the attacking army in order to max out the timer in an effort to capture all flags in the city.
However, our side suffered from poor organization and too many people (who are mostly competent in their own right) shouting orders, some of them conflicting with eachother. It was a rough ordeal, and was frustrating for many on our team. I believe we would have performed much better if everybody sans 4-5 people were muted in teamspeak. Typing shit out is perfectly fine. I really thought Arowaine was being a bastard when he ran a few battles with everyone but him, bonsai, and inglorious muted, but those battles went phenomenally.