I can understand the reason why catapults are not allowed to be used, as they bug the maps. But I am requesting, the use of siege towers on the outside of maps. I think it ads great depth and additional strategy to the game. Obviously building one on the flag should be a instant ban. Yesterday before I read the forums, about the exclusion of siege towers, I was building them on the outside of walls. They added great fun. Both offense and defense had a great time. You really can't build them in every map, so there use is still limited. I spoke with certain admins and they were not aware they were banned either, and they allowed me to use them. It didn't unbalance the game at all. I am asking for the powers that be to reconsider. Allow siege towers on the outsides of walls please. Allow them but just stipulate what can and can't be done. In the same way as you did with ladders to the heavens.