Author Topic: Make playing horseranged on a server with less than 20 people bannable  (Read 2002 times)

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Offline Zlisch_The_Butcher

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There are currently 2 HX on EU_1 as the only ranged here, 11 players, playing like this is absolutely no fun for anyone else in the server, having to stand around waiting 3+ minutes each round for flags to pop up just cause some shitbird got on a horse with an xbow and is effectively invincible in an outrage, it's even worse when there is just one HX and no other ranged, then there is 0 chance of people being able to find an xbow off the ground.

And no having a shield or a spear won't help, it will stop me from getting shot and bumped, but it won't magically stop three minutes of everyones time being wasted with absolutely no fun for anyone else than one horsedick.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Add PD to xbows so regular infantry cant pick up xbows

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make steel bolts 2 slots, and watch a lot of HX dissapear
This is the internet.
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Those are the rules no?

Offline Okkam

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There are currently 2 HX on EU_1 as the only ranged here, 11 players, playing like this is absolutely no fun for anyone else in the server, having to stand around waiting 3+ minutes each round for flags to pop up just cause some shitbird got on a horse with an xbow and is effectively invincible in an outrage, it's even worse when there is just one HX and no other ranged, then there is 0 chance of people being able to find an xbow off the ground.

And no having a shield or a spear won't help, it will stop me from getting shot and bumped, but it won't magically stop three minutes of everyones time being wasted with absolutely no fun for anyone else than one horsedick.

Enjoy effecacy of - ''it's better without archers'' lament.

Offline Zlisch_The_Butcher

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make steel bolts 2 slots, and watch a lot of HX dissapear
That's a horrible solution, and HX honestly aren't that bad in heavily populated servers...
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

Offline Riddaren

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So, if you don't like a certain class or playstyle it should be banned?
The similarities with the ideas of a certain leader during ww2 are striking.

It's a bit ironic since you often talk about people being rasicts...
You are such a hypocrite Zlisch.

Offline wayyyyyne

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It's just laughable to see those people delaying forever when there are more people on the enemy team than they have bolts or arrows left

Offline Man of Steel

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I think Riddaren is right so should we ban now all Hoplites or Cav only because you get killed of them?
Just add some PD to the Crossbows.
For fuck sake Linux, fix your signature.

Offline Zlisch_The_Butcher

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So, if you don't like a certain class or playstyle it should be banned?
The similarities with the ideas of a certain leader during ww2 are striking.

It's a bit ironic since you often talk about people being rasicts...
You are such a hypocrite Zlisch.
If I don't like a certain class and playstyle, and that style involves being able to shoot away at people whose best possible fighting back is blocking/dodging for three minutes, and there is a fucking gigantic chance that they'll have no one with the tools to kill them online in a server with less than 20 people, and the round then goes on to last over twice as long as it should have, with them having no chance of actually winning, then yes, I believe that playstyle should be banned in servers with less than 20 people.

I'm not sure which ww2 leader you're referring to, but I'm sure it is someone who didn't believe in bombing the enemy civilians in order for his doomed fascist regime to last a few more days was ok...
I also do not mind racist people and believe they got the right to be racist, so not sure whatever the fuck you're talking about. Boy am I a hypocrite.
Lasko the issue here isn't that I get killed by them, though I do a lot, that's why I decided to get a shield and a spear, the issue is that they can't possibly be killed by anything than other ranged classes without intentionally deciding to take risks, and as there aren't that great a deal of ranged on at >20 player servers, they'll more often than  not be delaying for 3+ minutes even with less bolts than enemies.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 09:05:33 pm by Zlisch_The_Butcher »
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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MAybe a new mechanic that stops all horses when there are just like 10 players left would solve the problem.
(Imagine that whining, would make my day thousands of times :D)

Its not only horseranged but also normal cav that just delays the crap out of everyone.
I don't want to give a feedback to molly neither i want to ban him,I wanted to give advise high authorities to take his admin rights.Panos you monkey wrench where would u put this topic enlighten me you cancer fuck.

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So get a xbow when that happens. There are no requirements to them and 1 wpf still works well enough to shoot the shit out of their horse.
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So get a xbow when that happens. There are no requirements to them and 1 wpf still works well enough to shoot the shit out of their horse.

People already do this. But, as the only counter to ranged is more ranged the server quickly degenerates into each side hiding behind something and shooting at each other for 4 minutes.

Then I get bored and pray that siege is actually populated so that I can play the game instead of watching people shoot each other all day.
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I don't like people wearing full plate when the server is almost empty. Should we ban them?

Offline Dezilagel

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So, if you don't like a certain class or playstyle it should be banned?
The similarities with the ideas of a certain leader during ww2 are striking.

It's a bit ironic since you often talk about people being rasicts...
You are such a hypocrite Zlisch.

What the...?

This makes absolutely no sense at all. There's a big difference between ones rights as a human being, and ones "rights" as a c-rpg player.

In real life, you have the right to be respected as a human being regardless of your race/ethnicity/sexuality/whatever and infringing upon those rights is a major crime.
In c-rpg, you have jack shit when it comes to "rights" concerning your class/playstyle. If someone hates you for playing an archer for example, that is a bit silly at most.
Therefore the "certain leader during ww2" comparison is utterly stupid, knock it off.

Also: Just as in real life it is perfectly reasonable to punish someone for being a criminal, it is perfectly reasonable in a game to nerf/remove elements that are detrimental to gameplay. And that is the argument OP makes. I think it's perfectly reasonable; from my pov HA/HX add nothing to gameplay except major tediousness on small servers where there's nothing to fight them with, and while I understand that some people enjoy the playstyle, they're too much of a pain for everyone else. In my opinion that is, as said.

Agree or disagree, make a valid argument. Don't make stupid fallacies and for fucks sake don't play the Hitler card. Seriously.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 01:03:08 am by Dezilagel »
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Quote from: Rumblood
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Just remove that pointless class and be done with it. No more reloading xbow on horseback, voila.

The reasoning is that the class contributes more grief to the game than what it does in challenge/value. Nerfing will only lead to even more feeling of pointlessness, since they will effectively be useless. This will not stop people playing it however, because a large % of them play it simply to piss others off and delay at their leasure.
These guys bend the "rules" of crpg on two fronts:

1. The rule that there is no reward without risk
2. You can delay as long as you are fighting. (Common sense applies when it is clear that winning is completely unrealistic, or when not fighting to win, as in not going for flags, but kills in stead..)

Don't nerf it, remove it!
It kills servers at night, and will continue to do so, no matter how nerfed it is.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 01:05:17 am by Thomek »
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.