thats what you get for being the biggest arsehole in the game ...
you was insulting and teasing this guy like crazy before (more than your usual insults and teasing on everyone you kill in the game, each time and always) , for playing 2h and backpedaling ... some random guy that was just playing the game, he didnt do anything else and nothing at all to you ... wish i had screened it
punishing him for th/tk would support your retardness and griefing of players and spreading your authistic hate
the one that deserves punishment isnt that guy that just reacted to your incredible behavior and asocial game appeariance here, he was merely protecting himself
eventhough punishining you would propably only feed your trolling, give you fodder for more hate threads and accusions .. you would love that right ?
this community is experiancing enough hate and whinery, it should look much more for for its social and emotional wellness , or it will eat itsell up of hate
i just say, nothing at all should happen here, noone deserves punishment because it was just selfdefense... go on and care about important cases