Don't speak bs. Everyone knows very well you are leeching money with your alt so you can play/troll with your plated charger.
Also you have got already so many bans that if you keep on the route your getting an essay ban soon.
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What a surprise. Coming out all defensive when in the wrong.
I clearly stated I am using this character to MAKE gold, not leech it. Using gear and actively trying to do something is NOT leeching. So your ban was fail, unjust, and actually abuse of rights. You know you're in the wrong on this one but just can't admit it eh big boy.
Ancient bans aside, and
omitting KABAN_vn_whatever whoever the hell that is oO, please look at the Erzengel ban (no offense made), the randomdude one - yes I think I was afking, and the rest are seriously old and were all justified. I play all the time with Hot_Chick and she always has gear, always doing something - this time you just made a ridiculous decision and aren't man enough to admit it.
It can't be leeching means that you are not contributing to the team and if you still are playing good then there is no problem and the low tier equipment is aswell there to be used.
But in this case dunno....
Was wearing the same gear set you sometimes use, with the white headcloth, white tunic thing and wooden stick. Getting killed by a fully loomed up cav/1h was gonna happen, but at least I try and go for soft targets. Of course proud admin won't see this, just digging up old bullshit to make himself look like he done right.