Author Topic: Pontic Genocide  (Read 7825 times)

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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #45 on: May 22, 2013, 01:38:07 pm »
I`m sick and tired of all those anti-nationalist idiots all around Europe

USA: Constitution
Germany: Freedom
Israel: National Union
Canada: Christian Heritage
Australia: Family First
Denmark: Danish People's Party
Italy: Tricolour Flame
Russia: National Democratic Alliance (
France: National Front
Ireland: Sinn Fein
Switzerland: SVP
Austria: FPO/FPK
Sweden: Sweden Democrats
Estonia: Estonian Independence
Netherlands: Party for Freedom
Poland: National Revival (for the lulz)
Spain: Republican Social Movement
New Zealand: New Zealand First
Greece: Golden Dawn (just because of mining)
Finland: True Finns
Taiwan: Kuomintang
Serbia: Serbian Radical Party
Belgium: Vlaams Belang
Portugal: National Renovator
Ukraine: Svoboda
Bulgaria: ATAKA
Slovenia: Slovenian National
Czech Republic: National Party
Croatia: Croatian Party of Rights
Romania: Greater Romania Party
Lebanon: Kataeb

As you can see, there are parties like Golden Dawn all over the world. The difference is, that in well functioning countries they have zero influence. And vice versa, in troubled countries they are gaining power over time (the longer country is in poor state, the more power they gain). Also, history teach us that these parties rarely stay true to their ideas when they gain power. They are usually bigger sellouts than leftists.

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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #46 on: May 22, 2013, 01:45:09 pm »
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Although a bit outdated, you`ll get the idea.
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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #47 on: May 22, 2013, 01:47:56 pm »
Final confirmation that the Swiss are chocolate chip cookies!!111

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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #48 on: May 22, 2013, 01:50:13 pm »
Final confirmation that the Swiss are chocolate chip cookies!!111

Being a nationalist doesnt mean that you are a chocolate chip cookie     :?


Foreigners constitute 63% of Greece’s prison inmates

The fact that on January 1st, 2013 foreigners constituted 63% of the inmates in Greek prisons is another indication of the link between illegal immigration and serious crime.

Not only we have to deal with our economical crisis, we also have to deal with illigal immigrants and their actions.
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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #49 on: May 22, 2013, 01:53:33 pm »
It does in Switzerland!

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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #50 on: May 22, 2013, 02:09:46 pm »
If Panos was clever he would mention the real gift the Greek(apart from butthurt) gave to the world: scientific method as a philosophical foundation.

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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #51 on: May 22, 2013, 02:13:39 pm »
If Panos was clever he would mention  ONE OF  the real gifts the Greek(apart from butthurt) gave to the world: scientific method as a philosophical foundation.

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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #52 on: May 22, 2013, 03:06:36 pm »
Time to make a thread about the Rwandan genocide? Belgs putting two groups of people against each other, shit's hit the fan and hutus starts massacring tutsis. The west don't give a fuck, France even depart some soldiers to help the hutu-regime slaughtering a whole people, in the war against communism, and well, France sold weapons to the Hutu-regime. 800k people, alot of women and children hacked to pieces with machetes, the conflict arose from the makings of European nations since the colonial times. And well, UN could have saved alot those civilians but wth, they're only africans, why would we give a fuck eh?
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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #53 on: May 22, 2013, 04:57:11 pm »
yea, yea... Greece is actually awesome and it's everyone else's fault, namely and especially Germany, that the place is a dump now.

Is that what you're trying to say, Panos?

And I actually know a few reasons to be "technically" proud of Germany, like being world wide the first country with social and health insurances. Or some of the most important artists in the world being German (Goethe, Schiller, Brahms, Bach, Mozart). Or some of the most important scientists in the world like Einstein, Zuse, Junkers, Daimler and Benz, Reis, Diesel and the discoverer of book pressing Gutenberg... and list goes on and on.
Granted there are like 15 to 20 years which were really bad. Other than that, Germany is pretty awesome and if you'd make a list, Germany would easily beat Greece when it comes to the importance of discoveries.

I just choose to not be proud cuz I think the whole idea of "Nationality" is garbage. I consider myself Human... keep being Greek and live in the past of you like. I choose to be here and now.
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #54 on: May 22, 2013, 05:15:41 pm »
I`m proud for my country`s history, something that you Germans will never have  :wink:
Edit for Cas: Magna Carta was signed in the 13th Century, Greeks had democracy for over 15 centuries  :lol:

I'm again trying to make a reasonable argument though quotes like the one above should teach me better.

 German history does not solely exist of the twelve years between 1933 and 1945, you know. It's obvious that those years were the darkest episode of German history and no German with at least a little bit of brains would feel "pride" for these years (feeling pride for something that can absolutely not be influenced by yourself like being born in this or that country is a bit weird in my eyes anyway). But this does not mean that Germans have achieved nothing at all.

What Casimir wanted to state was that the English form of Democracy was developing completely INDEPENTLY from the Attic democracy. It came around 1500 years later, so what?

If I remember history class correctly, the Attic democracy excluded women, Slaves and Metics (μετοίκων) from the benefits of democracy. Not all that perfect, don't you think?

Edit: I do regard myself as a German patriot. I kinda "love" my country but still respect other people and their patriotism, too. A nationalist in my eyes however has a chauvinistic view on the world ("my country is the best - all others are pieces of shit"). Maybe that'S just the difference between us...
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 05:33:46 pm by ReBa1918 »
Quote from: Tindel
In teamspeak i like to hear all of your opinions on; beer and alcohol, chocolate chip cookies, social problems and their solutions, massmurderers, why ranged should burn in hell, hating on new maps, hating on old maps.

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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #55 on: May 22, 2013, 05:31:51 pm »
If I remember history class correctly, the Attic democracy excluded women, Slaves and Metics (μετοίκων) from the benefits of democracy. Not all that perfect, don't you think?


So-called democracy wasn't that nice and equal, they were discriminative like hell, fighting among themselves so bigger empires could easily absorb the Greeks.

Don't throw stones at me Panos, but that's what history shows.
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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #56 on: May 22, 2013, 06:25:24 pm »
Germans have had, starting from the middle ages to this day, ūber military technology and tradition - and at times they've even used it. English actually made an empire, that spanned the world. Italians are somewhat related to Romans, right? Russkies had the entire western world scared of the Red. Balts occupied most of north-eastern Europe and remained the last free pagan people in Europe. French revolution brought the ideas of enlightenment throughout Europe, as they kicked the asses of everyone around them. I'm sure the spanish did some things too.

Yes, greeks are surely the only ones with any history. Except you've been pretty much out of the picture for the last couple thousand years.

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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #57 on: May 22, 2013, 06:32:51 pm »
Democracy is a progress in history which is based on the way Athenians used to live. Even the word Democracy is Greek, so please don`t try to tell me that democracy was something that would occur natural to the rest of Europe.

At the time the (sorry) Athenians introduced democracy there wasn't the same religion as in those other countries nothing that would block it. Democracy isn't a kind of invention you mean, it is a governmental system in that the people rule. When in Germany the first Democracy established, its idea wasn't based on the Athenian democracy, only because they introduced a term that translates to "rule of people".

I`m proud for my country`s history, something that you Germans will never have  :wink:

Panos I see that there is so much wrong in what you're saying and I also see your nationalistic behaviour, something which makes you useless to understand other peoples history and warps the view on your own.

I could tell you now why Germany has actually a history (ofcourse it has) in detail but I'm going to keep it shortly. The fact that a nation is born as soon as people identify as a community makes Germany a country and the idea of one nation existed longer then you believe. I can name the battle on Lechfeld for example, Bavarians, Saxons and other german speaking duchies found together to fight the menace from the outside. The germans have a history, altough it took very long to unite the germans as one nation.

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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #58 on: May 22, 2013, 06:58:18 pm »
Uh-uh... those austrians ain't taking crediit for that!


Oh, and HitIer was German. Never forget that

Offline Panos

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Re: Pontic Genocide
« Reply #59 on: May 22, 2013, 07:42:01 pm »
Time to make a thread about the Rwandan genocide? Belgs putting two groups of people against each other, shit's hit the fan and hutus starts massacring tutsis. The west don't give a fuck, France even depart some soldiers to help the hutu-regime slaughtering a whole people, in the war against communism, and well, France sold weapons to the Hutu-regime. 800k people, alot of women and children hacked to pieces with machetes, the conflict arose from the makings of European nations since the colonial times. And well, UN could have saved alot those civilians but wth, they're only africans, why would we give a fuck eh?

I couldn`t care less for what happened to Rwanda, I care only for what happens in my country

yea, yea... Greece is actually awesome and it's everyone else's fault, namely and especially Germany, that the place is a dump now.

Is that what you're trying to say, Panos?

And I actually know a few reasons to be "technically" proud of Germany, like being world wide the first country with social and health insurances. Or some of the most important artists in the world being German (Goethe, Schiller, Brahms, Bach, Mozart). Or some of the most important scientists in the world like Einstein, Zuse, Junkers, Daimler and Benz, Reis, Diesel and the discoverer of book pressing Gutenberg... and list goes on and on.
Granted there are like 15 to 20 years which were really bad. Other than that, Germany is pretty awesome and if you'd make a list, Germany would easily beat Greece when it comes to the importance of discoveries.

I just choose to not be proud cuz I think the whole idea of "Nationality" is garbage. I consider myself Human... keep being Greek and live in the past of you like. I choose to be here and now.

I never blamed anyone about Greece`s current situation buddy, bad choices made by Greeks brough Greece to her knees.

the thermometer
the lock (doorlock)
central heating
Archimedes screw
Pipe Organs
Analog Computers ( the Antikythera mechanism )
Olympic games

Socrates - First of the great Greek Philosophers. He is considered by many to be the founder of Western philosophy.
Plato - Student of Socrates. He wrote many dialogues using Socrates as a major character. He also founded the Academy in Athens.
Aristotle - Student of Plato. Aristotle was a philosopher and scientist. He was interested in the physical world. He was also teacher to Alexander the Great.
Aeschylus - A Greek playwright, he is considered the father of the tragedy.
Sophocles - Sophocles was probably the most popular playwright during Greek times. He won many writing competitions and is thought to have written over 100 plays.
Euripides - The last of the great Greek tragedy writers, Euripides was unique in that he used strong women characters and intelligent slaves.
Aristophanes - A Greek playwright who wrote comedies, he is considered the father of the comedy.
Aesop - Aesop's fables were known for both talking animals as well as teaching a moral. Historians aren't 100% sure if Aesop really existed or was just a fable himself.
Hesiod - Hesiod wrote a book that was about Greek rural life called Works and Days. This helped historians to understand what the daily life for the average Greek person was like. He also wrote Theogany, which explained a lot about Greek Mythology.
Homer - Homer was the most famous of the Greek epic poets. He wrote the epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey.
Pindar - Pindar is considered the greatest of the nine lyric poets of Ancient Greece. He is most known today for his odes.
Sappho - One of the great lyric poets, she wrote romantic poetry that was very popular in her day.
Greek Historians
Herodotus - A historian who chronicled the Persian Wars, Herodotus is often called the Father of History.
Thucydides - A great Greek historian who was known for the exact science of his research, he wrote about the war between Athens and Sparta.
Archimedes - He is considered one of the great mathematicians and scientists in history. He made many discoveries both in math and physics including many inventions.
Aristarchus - An astronomer and mathematician, Aristarchus was the first to put the sun at the center of the known universe rather than the Earth.
Euclid - The Father of Geometry, Euclid wrote a book called Elements, likely the the most famous mathematical textbook in history.
Hippocrates - A scientist of medicine, Hippocrates is called the Father of Western Medicine. Doctors still take the Hippocratic Oath today.
Pythagoras - A scientist and philosopher, he came up with the Pythagorean Theorem still used today in much of geometry.
Alexander the Great - Often called the greatest military commander in history, Alexander expanded the Greek empire to its greatest size, never losing a battle.
Cleisthenes - Called the Father of Athenian Democracy, Cleisthenes helped to reform the constitution so the democracy could work for all.
Demosthenes - A great statesman, Demosthenes was considered the greatest orator (speech giver) of Greek times.
Draco - Famous for his Draconian law that made many offences punishable by death.
Pericles - A leader and statesman during the golden age of Greece. He helped democracy to flourish and led great building projects in Athens that still survive today.
Solon - Solon is usually credited with laying the foundations and ideas for democracy.

All of those scientists that you mentioned, their studies are based on ANCIENT GREEK studies.

"But I have never gone away from them. How can an educated person stay away from the Greeks? I have always been far more interested in them than in science." - Albert Einstein

We can do this all day, and in the end, under a stone you`ll always find something that reminds Greece.

Living in a shithole modern Greece, I only can found comfort in my ancestors achievements, I`m not closed minded, I just really despise the way that Greece evolved to.

I'm again trying to make a reasonable argument though quotes like the one above should teach me better.

 German history does not solely exist of the twelve years between 1933 and 1945, you know. It's obvious that those years were the darkest episode of German history and no German with at least a little bit of brains would feel "pride" for these years (feeling pride for something that can absolutely not be influenced by yourself like being born in this or that country is a bit weird in my eyes anyway). But this does not mean that Germans have achieved nothing at all.

What Casimir wanted to state was that the English form of Democracy was developing completely INDEPENTLY from the Attic democracy. It came around 1500 years later, so what?

If I remember history class correctly, the Attic democracy excluded women, Slaves and Metics (μετοίκων) from the benefits of democracy. Not all that perfect, don't you think?

Edit: I do regard myself as a German patriot. I kinda "love" my country but still respect other people and their patriotism, too. A nationalist in my eyes however has a chauvinistic view on the world ("my country is the best - all others are pieces of shit"). Maybe that'S just the difference between us...

You`re wrong buddy, women and slaves couldn`t vote, and that was it, but on the other hand they had other privileges, for example women could educate themselves, and a slave could have his own property and his own slaves.

At that time it wasn`t perfect, but as soon as Pericles took over Greece, women had rights equal to men.

I`m not trying to underestimate Germany, I couldn`t care less, but it`s my right to claim that Greece has/had the greatest history of this world.

Germans have had, starting from the middle ages to this day, ūber military technology and tradition - and at times they've even used it. English actually made an empire, that spanned the world. Italians are somewhat related to Romans, right? Russkies had the entire western world scared of the Red. Balts occupied most of north-eastern Europe and remained the last free pagan people in Europe. French revolution brought the ideas of enlightenment throughout Europe, as they kicked the asses of everyone around them. I'm sure the spanish did some things too.

Yes, greeks are surely the only ones with any history. Except you've been pretty much out of the picture for the last couple thousand years.

Is this some kind of joke??

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