The only problem with the 2h stab as I see it is that the animation seems far longer active than the others, while being able to dish out good damage at any given point in the animation. The length is fine, damage is fine, but the fact that you can both instastab for full damage and hit someone while retracting your sword at the end of the animation for full damage as well is weird. Polestab and 1h stab is both less forgiving, with a much smaller window to make a successful stab.
The length is what seperates it from the polearms and it shouldn't be made a polearm stab.
Exactly. Polearm stab used to be short
but fast and 2h stab used to be long
but slow. That was fine, but since they broke all the stabs in the game, 2h stabs can hit early in the animation as easy as polearms. Which makes the polearm stab short
but fast and the 2h stab long
and fast. This is a problem in my opinion. Then there is the extremely long active animation which you can walk into someone like it has 200 reach, which makes it gain enormous speed bonus as well and do a shit ton of damage.
I would like to see the following changes to the 2h stab:
- Slower chamber time
- Animation active for a shorter period of time
The first thing to make the 2h stab slower, to compensate for it's recently gained ability to insta hit. I guess alternatively they could just unfuck stabs so they work like they used to. Animations should be active for a shorter period of time to prevent very late hitting stabs, which usually do a shit ton of damage anyway. The stab should glance when it is retracting, not do a lot of damage. This would reduce the effective reach and reduce general retarded stab abuse.