[11:34:00] msg,[ADMIN][Elune] Busterburr, spawn with a weapon next round
[11:36:11] msg,Elune kicked player DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II.
[11:36:12] disconnect,DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II
[11:36:12] death,DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II
[11:36:30] connect,DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II,,994392,regular,73
[11:36:49] chat,,DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II,team,fuck u elune
[11:37:03] chat,,DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II,team,im waiting for my weapon to spawn u badmin
[11:38:34] msg,Magnetized reported DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II for leeching
[11:38:43] chat,,Magnetized,team,butter B is leeching again
[11:38:46] chat,,DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II,team,...
[11:38:52] kill,Pwny_MB,JohnRedcorn,ranged,Masterwork Heavy Throwing Axe,,hb_spine
[11:38:54] chat,,DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II,team,i just fucking retired and im trying to get weapons sorted
[11:38:55] chat,,Magnetized,team,he has no weapon
[11:38:57] chat,,DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II,team,settle down
[11:39:06] chat,,DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II,team,good lord lol
[11:39:06] chat,,Magnetized,team,so dont spawn then you retard
[11:39:25] msg,Elune banned player DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II for 6h. Reason: Leeching.
It looks like you were warned in admin chat, then kicked, then banned. Pretty straightforward to be honest... 6 hour ban on the record for leeching. I understand that retiring sucks, but as Magnetized so eloquently put it, don't spawn in with weapons you can't use. Between the original warning and the ban there were over 5 minutes, more than enough time to get a new weapon on your character or for sync issues to work themselves out.
It's up to Elune/Ganner to unban you early or not.