The amounts of times I have been called a high-agi spammer when I have 0 WM on most of my melee characters should note to you how little it effects gameplay.
footwork effects weapon speed a billion times more than WM does.
90% of your increased speed will come from moving the right directions at the right times
an additional 15% will come from athletics making those movements faster
and 5%ish will be form wm making your weapon swing faster.
it is just so marginal. The damage bonus can be worth it though:
I would choose 7 WM over an additional PS. So don't do any dumb conversions that way lol.
IF on the other hand is amazingly useful,
especially to lower-mid armored characters. This is the biggest misunderstanding people have of IF characters, they assume they are all being used for heavy armored players. Which is fine if you want to be a slug, but they completely discount the much better reasons to use IF for medium and light armor. I play almost exclusively in dresses. IF makes me go from being able to survive 2-3 hits to being able to survive 5-6 hits. I can get shot by an arbalest and survive vs dying to a body shot. I can survive 4 more arrows than not. I can survive teamwounds.
I can make Mistakes in the heat of battle two or more times than if I was an agility build.
And thus, KDR raises. I have fun. None of the small balance changes make you angry.
You survive all the petty shit that makes WM-stacking players go apeshit over. IF makes the game more fun since you don't need to rage at it over dumb deathsIf I wear Low-weight gear and have 5 athletics, effectively making me faster movement speed than someone with 8 athletics and heavy armor -- except since I stacked IF I have the same amount of survivability as them.
I am faster or equal movement speed + Do more damage + same or more survivability.
I Will never understand players with more than 6 ath and heavy armor. They should just get IF and lower weight armor for same survivability but better everything else.
And that is why My characters usually have plenty of IF.