It really isnt "unplayably weak"
I can do well with the regular club in the 1h category which only has 17. A lot of people do well with a cudgel even and thats 15.
Just because you are not good with it does not mean other people cannot play with it.
Yes it is, I've a lot more experience with it than you do and because I play in Australia, where people are undeniably better (yes, they are better in 1v1 because of our low playerbase, it's pretty much all we do) at dueling, I see how lacking the damage is, significantly more so than you do.
No, you cannot do well with the regular club. You can perhaps kill a few peasants or pingers and because you have a right mouse button, can survive for a small while.
People do not do well with shit weapons, period.
I would be extremely surprised if you are better than me. I'm one of the better players in Aus (yes, including the people who used to play [was actually quite a lot]) and I can only name maybe 5 players that are better than me.
Seeing that I am of the aforementioned skill level, I think it's more than reasonable to request a buff for a weapon which is extremely underpowered even when used by skilled players.
Please give me your definition of: Unplayably weak, do well, good with.