The slot system was introduced as far as i understand for balancing purposes. Very well.
Is a polearm or 2h or pure 1h guy who uses 2 weapons with different functions to handle different enemies a hybrid?
Is a 1h/shielder a hybrid?
Is a hoplite polearm/shield a hybrid?
Is a 1h/shield with no or view left over points in polearm carrying a spear a hybrid?
Is someone carrying only shields of any use? If not at least one additional weapon would define a class.
What majorly upsets me is, that i cant wear any kind of spear anymore even if i got one spare slot. And dont get me started you could use another shield, in my case my 3 main weapons sitesword/battle axe/bamboo spear and my huscarl got nerfed so just don't start a discussion here i shouldn't use my huscarl and use a ligthweigth shield isntead. If you argue that way, then i say make all shields the same liek you did it with the 1h weapons, which are majorly all the same now and i dont complain about that.
1. Slot 1h weapon
2. Slot free
3./4. Slot Shield
So wtf should i do with that one slot if i want cav protection?
OR to say it in another way.
Please give me something to STOP cav witch fits into one slot. I don't want to kill em with that, i only want to be able to stop them. Is that too much to ask? Even with spear in 40-60% of cases if cav attacked me intelligently they killed me while i had a bamboo spear. But they didn't get me easily? It was fun to battle with cavs that way. Where are my cav oponents? I had with several cavs long fights and when i died i was ok with it, because i did know i did all what i could. Now i know i could but i am not allowed anymore. What do you think should infantry 1h/shield be able to wear some spear long poking thingy to stop you if you are acting silly or do you just want to slaughter anything beneth your high horses?
Something long which does not do any damage would be ok for me, i only want to stop them, then i switch to 1h and try to give em some strikes.
EDIT: How did the cav nerf go? anything taken back in hotfix? Does that change the careful balance you discussed over months and made plans about them? If they got now stronger again but u nerfed all other stuff .. i guess you get my drift.