I'm having a great laugh here, Kinngrimm and i thank you for it.
I am not gonna go into heavy arguments with someone who never saw me playing before the big patch, and obviously even after it lol, since i swaped so many builds already, i'll just say this: i played 1h/shield/xbow, 1h/shield only, 2h/xbow, 2h only, 1h/cav/polearm, 1h/shield/thrower.....i used xbows (sniper, heavy, normal), 1handers (swords, picks, axes), 2handers (all except swords, out of principle against lolstabing), throwing axes (and what i grabbed on the field and it stayed for the next round), pikes, spears, lances, basically i played everything except an archer and a lolstaber. I hate talking about K:D but it was always pretty much the same, positive. Can you say anywhere near the same for yourself, no matter the time spent playing (and youve certainly amassed quite enough of it by now) ?
Also: i dont recall any other clan doing as much heroic charges as the my old friends did in the last couple of months....sometimes we camp, sometimes we go berserk, depending on our numbers, the map, the amount of ranged/cavalry, and all that.....problem is: people mostly "notice" camping (cause it has a higher percentage of happy ends) and they never acknowledge the charges, and we've done so many of em that I'm getting quite tired of all that running around....not all of us have 27 agility and 9 athletics like yourself.
Have a nice day, mister Kinngrimm.