I saw some oooold posts about this and i thought i might bring it up again. I don't think the Roman armor that we got access to now can count as Roman armor.
There is Samurai armor Mongolian armor, Viking armor etc. Why not Roman/Greek/Celtic/Carthaginian? We don't need all of those factions armor pieces but mainly Roman and Greek.
I don't see a strict historical timeline limit in this mod so why should we not have Roman/Greek armor? It's one important part in history, Europe and mankind's development. Freaking barbarians becoming civilized isn't that something important?
There is also already a couple of Roman time mods so it shouldn't be to hard to find some good looking armor pieces and maybe polish them a bit if needed.
So what would then be the reason to keep us away from wearing this cool looking armor?
From what i have read the only reason is that you (the Devs) don't like ancient armor, which i don't get. Why? Whats so bad?