I will be contacting top-performing mercenaries that have fought for our confederacy consistently and effectively for payment in cRPG gold. Check your cRPG site messages in the next few days, and we'll negotiate your payment. We've been lucky enough to get some damned fine mercenaries that have fought for us time and again. Many of you have listened to orders quickly and completely, while fighting with your teammates first in your mind. Many of you have also gone commando with your friends and completely devastated the enemy auxiliary units and equipment. Almost all of our consistent fighters have been an absolute pleasure to internet-warrior with.
Among the internet sellswords that stand out in my mind the most:
Negga+friends for reliable, effective fighters that don't clog the teamspeak with frivilous talk
Ascalon for amazing fighting and never being wrong about anything he's said in battle for as long as I can remember
HoC Warborn, Bonesaw, Polarbear, and others for being reliable and effective and doing anything requested of them without fail
Murder Boner 9Finger, RookieGladiator, Require, MapleSyrup, Lorden, Balls, TokenShitty and others for being a fucking wrecking-ball of fuck-shit that I can hurl at the enemy flanks or rear
Fallen Dach, UnholyRolyPoly, Zildjian for being solid fighters and Dach for assisting with engineering greatly
Remnant Sauce, Noodles, Dynamike, Warcs and others for being the damn best collection of fighters I've seen (And damnit noodles I'll never take you off my roster, stop fretting babe)
Canary, Malaclypse, Ostulur, and any other choas scum for being just as good as remnant but also willing to do the shit job of guarding spawn
Dbrookz, Kesh, Miggy, Vick, Bale, Snoop, Matey and any other FCC for being topshots if ranged and brutal in melee, and special thanks to Kesh for being my handy strat encyclopedia
TKoV Syls, Tristran, Hobb, and all others for being reliable murder machines
Wesley, Holiday, Skinboat, and other Teutonics for getting amazing KAY DEES (mostly wesley on the KD bit, like holy fuck last battle he was like 20-2 as infantry at one point)
Naturally, Raven and Dracul are fucking solid and amazing as well.
Sorry if this gets old, I just like to tug on people's internet dicks. See my sig