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Re: BF4
« Reply #45 on: October 04, 2013, 09:26:11 pm »
Also I definitely think that bf1942 was more fun than bf2. BF2 was good but it didn't have the same epic feel. I played a great mod for bf1942 called forgotten hope that added a lot of units maps guns and realism to the game. There may still be people playing....

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Re: BF4
« Reply #46 on: October 04, 2013, 09:43:13 pm »
Also I definitely think that bf1942 was more fun than bf2. BF2 was good but it didn't have the same epic feel. I played a great mod for bf1942 called forgotten hope that added a lot of units maps guns and realism to the game. There may still be people playing....

oh yeah, i still remember how excited i was when i first managed to fly the fighter in 1942 without crashing 10 seconds later. ahh the good times.

bf 2 was good, but what was pissing me off about it is how everyone was dolphin diving around like retard.
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Re: BF4
« Reply #47 on: October 04, 2013, 10:04:57 pm »
What I dislike about Battlefield is the vehicles, which is half the game really. As someone who loves playing infantry I often find that you are seldomly equipped as a squad to be able to properly deal with a tank, enemy squads and enemy air vehicles. Being in a tank does give you a better position compared to the average infantryman, and as I didn't like playing in a tank much I was always on the receiving end of that better position. Often you feel like you just have no chance and it gets frustrating, switching class all the time only to be faced by your counter all the time. I played Battlefield 2 like 300 hours on infantry only mode on Strike at Karkand, which I really enjoyed back then. Played it again more recently and I was appalled at the shooting mechanics, hit detection and the entire system were pretty horrible. But 64 player matches with only infantry were pretty intense.

I bought Battlefield 3 but only played it 20 hours. I thought maps and gameplay were very chaotic almost all the time where you would often get shot from multiple angles or multiple vertical levels, making playing offensively rather hard compared to holding a nice spot. Might be me being tired of shooters and gaming in general though.

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Re: BF4
« Reply #48 on: October 05, 2013, 01:53:37 am »
Yes tanks are overpowered I agree, but the solution is not to make it less realistic by making them do less damage or have less hp. the solution is just to make their use more realistic. In PR tanks and vechicles are important assets, they cost tickets which makes sense because they cost a ton IRL. If you solo'd a tank in PR you would be kicked/banned from server for making your team lose.

Its hard to get back into casual FPS games like battlefield after playing PR, since they are so stupid but they are pretty fun due to the fast pace. But battlefield could learn alot from PR whilst still staying casual. Ie for tanks, why not make vehicles require pilot kits, cost tickets. make tanks require 2 people to move and shoot (driver & gunner). this would allow tanks to be very powerful since they aren't just free transport for anyone.

They did make vehicles have somewhat limited ammo in bf4. ie tank has 5 shells but they regenerate. its a nice change, there are quite a few nice changes in bf4 vs bf3, but also some bad ones. Overall whilst I do wish to own and play bf4 alot its truly not worth £30 since its basically just more bf3 DLC. (with even worse performance until they fix it). its unreasonable to expect graphics improve since they are already top of the line but they could have done alot more with gameplay, or brought back bc2 full destruction instead of this "levelution" BS. BF4 is a huge deal for console players tho, they are finally getting 64 players. I'd pay £50 for it if it had mods so we could play 100 players like pr.

never going to happen but posted it anyway.

You can no longer drive AND shoot vehicles like tanks from the same seat, they now have an extra slot for dedicated drivers.

New kit added "Pilot" required to spawn, drive and operate tanks/aircrafts. Has only pistol/knife and vechicle customisations.

Vehicle loadouts determined by the pilot kit loadout of the pilot who spawned it.

Entering and exiting vehicles has a short timer/animation, no more instantly popping in and out to easily avoid death.

Vehicles now cost your team a few tickets when destroyed. Their spawns are still limited per team like usual so you could only lose so many tickets per round. But it still has a small impact on the final score. Losing vehicles now actually matters, they aren't just throwaway transport.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2013, 02:22:02 am by Banok »

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Re: BF4
« Reply #49 on: October 05, 2013, 03:01:46 am »
You can no longer drive AND shoot vehicles like tanks from the same seat, they now have an extra slot for dedicated drivers.

New kit added "Pilot" required to spawn, drive and operate tanks/aircrafts. Has only pistol/knife and vechicle customisations.

Vehicle loadouts determined by the pilot kit loadout of the pilot who spawned it.

Entering and exiting vehicles has a short timer/animation, no more instantly popping in and out to easily avoid death.

Vehicles now cost your team a few tickets when destroyed. Their spawns are still limited per team like usual so you could only lose so many tickets per round. But it still has a small impact on the final score. Losing vehicles now actually matters, they aren't just throwaway transport.

Sounds like you need Arma instead

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Re: BF4
« Reply #50 on: October 05, 2013, 09:43:48 am »
The only thing about Battlefield i truly respect:

Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: BF4
« Reply #51 on: October 05, 2013, 09:47:58 am »
The Oriental version of the Battlefield theme?  :rolleyes:
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: BF4
« Reply #52 on: October 05, 2013, 09:50:53 am »
long time battlefield fan since 1942. havent even touched bf3 yet because i was on the battlefield forums before it was released and i watched as the betrayal and lies by EA unfolded, especially about the map sizes and it being mainly developed for pc.

what a joke that was.

the only good thing bf3 did was the audio. they finally got automatic weapons and distant gunfire to sound right like no other game had before.

anyway lets face it. we are a dying generation. theres no place for "hardcore gamers" in todays gaming market. we'll have to stick to the indie games like crpg :)

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Re: BF4
« Reply #53 on: October 05, 2013, 10:01:31 am »
Personally, I loved 1942 with and without Desert Combat. Didn't play Bf after that.
I came back to Bad Company 2 cuz I got it free and had a friend I could play with. Was good fun and I enjoyed it.
Got Bf3 for free a few months back and I think it's just boring run and gun. BC2 was way more fun for some reason. Maybe the weapons were more different to each other? Maybe the movement was smoother? I dunno.

I couldn't care less about Battlefield as a franchise :wink:
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: BF4
« Reply #54 on: October 05, 2013, 11:15:45 am »
Battlefield 3 was a nice game which I enjoyed alot. I reached level 45 quite early when it was a rare thing.

I'm not going to buy Battlefield 4 because it feels like a ripoff. Even though everyones hating on Dice they're still killin' it with the trailer music  :D

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Re: BF4
« Reply #55 on: October 05, 2013, 11:44:33 am »
I tried out the BF4 beta the other day and it was far worst than the bf3 beta imo, also looked like shit sometimes even on max settings, my fps was great until a single veichle came into my view then it went to shit. Of course this should all be fixed but I have no interest in a beta that shitty, Im all for finding bugs but I play games to have fun aswell lol.

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Re: BF4
« Reply #56 on: October 05, 2013, 11:45:07 am »
The Oriental version of the Battlefield theme?  :rolleyes:

thats the mec theme, and its fucking epic.
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Cloud: And that is?
Tseng: Bitches, man.

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Re: BF4
« Reply #57 on: October 05, 2013, 12:37:00 pm »
Battlefield 4 = BF3.5

The trailers EA released for BFBC2 and upwards have never been a real representation of the gameplay in any way shape or form. Anyone who tried the map in the beta should know, nothing but roof campers and vehicle spam as with BF3, but hey, that wouldn't make for cool trailers :wink: Teamplay is an extremely rare commodity in the Battlefield franchise now, and it couldn't be moving further away from a warlike experience than it is, and therefore should be classified as an arcade-shooter exactly like CoD just bigger maps and better physics.

2142 is the most innovative game to ever come out of DICE.

I however doubt we'll see it relaunched soon, given Titanfall resembles it, and all Respawn Entertainment would need to do is add a similar 2142 Titan gamemode and they're set.
I'm throwing my money at Titanfall and staying far away from the Battlefield franchise (unless max sale somewhere :P).
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Re: BF4
« Reply #58 on: October 05, 2013, 02:32:47 pm »
Not able to run the BF4 beta for some reason. The EA servers can't validate my beta or something. Anyone else having the same issue?
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Re: BF4
« Reply #59 on: October 05, 2013, 03:07:16 pm »
Download punkbuster and update it for battlefield 4.
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