Author Topic: the New tyranny of NA :evil:  (Read 13693 times)

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Offline Nehvar

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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2013, 04:38:06 pm »
/b/ <-- bestest internet has to offer for your eyes, mind and genitalia.

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If that's not a case for justifiable homicide I don't know what is.
WSE2 gives us the key to a wonderful world of butthurt...

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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2013, 04:49:08 pm »
If you admins want to improve the game how about doing something about all the high level leechers who spawn with cloth and peasant weapons for hours or days on end? Much worse for quality of gameplay than the usual internet white noise of mild obscenity.

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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2013, 04:49:35 pm »
Congratulations on missing the point of what I said. Feel free to read it a few more times and try again.

Sorry, I've heard so many straight white male* excuses that they start to blur together.

*not saying everyone here is a SWM, but it's almost always two out of the three.
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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2013, 05:11:32 pm »
How about instead of trying to censor what words people can and cannot say, people just accept that it's not an inflammatory remark anymore and start being offended by something important.

who are you to say it's not inflammatory?
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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2013, 05:12:22 pm »
self loathing white people are history's greatest monsters


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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2013, 05:18:01 pm »
who are you to say it's not inflammatory?

It's inflammatory to people who allow it to be so, but let's face it, a large majority of the time it's used (at least around me) it's not meant in an offensive manner. The only reason people get all up in arms anymore is because they've been told to. Unless you're gay, who are you to decide bundle of sticks is offensive?
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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2013, 05:19:34 pm »
So whats up with the new iron fist of NA Admins being butthurt kids over things typed from a keyboard and abusing THEIR powers left and right. Constant Pinktext constant banning. Party Girl of bird especially needs to go.


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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2013, 05:20:44 pm »
Sorry, I've heard so many straight white male* excuses that they start to blur together.

*not saying everyone here is a SWM, but it's almost always two out of the three.

For some reason I'm not surprised to see the "CIS Scum" card played.
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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2013, 05:23:19 pm »
Has anyone ever wondered why you can count the number of openly female or gay players on NA with both hands and still have enough fingers left over to plug your ears and say, "na na na na"?  Because suggesting someone is homosexual is considered to be the most insulting thing you can say to someone on here and if you're a woman then you deal with being called a whore and worse, specifically because you're a woman, when you kill someone just because you outplay them.  Either that or you're a fake gamer girl who can't play games.  And that's from the general population and not the individuals that constantly creep on and cyber stalk you.

Sure, the devs managed to get a bunch of cash out of you to bankroll their new game.  But it's hard to expand their audience when their current userbase is alienating, not just minority groups, but normal, decent people.
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Offline Miley

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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2013, 05:26:26 pm »
Has anyone ever wondered why you can count the number of openly female or gay players on NA with both hands and still have enough fingers left over to plug your ears and say, "na na na na"?  Because suggesting someone is homosexual is considered to be the most insulting thing you can say to someone on here and if you're a woman then you deal with being called a whore and worse, specifically because you're a woman, when you kill someone just because you outplay them.  Either that or you're a fake gamer girl who can't play games.  And that's from the general population and not the individuals that constantly creep on and cyber stalk you.

Sure, the devs managed to get a bunch of cash out of you to bankroll their new game.  But it's hard to expand their audience when their current userbase is alienating, not just minority groups, but normal, decent people.


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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2013, 05:31:47 pm »
Has anyone ever wondered why you can count the number of openly female or gay players on NA with both hands and still have enough fingers left over to plug your ears and say, "na na na na"?  Because suggesting someone is homosexual is considered to be the most insulting thing you can say to someone on here and if you're a woman then you deal with being called a whore and worse, specifically because you're a woman, when you kill someone just because you outplay them.  Either that or you're a fake gamer girl who can't play games.  And that's from the general population and not the individuals that constantly creep on and cyber stalk you.

Sure, the devs managed to get a bunch of cash out of you to bankroll their new game.  But it's hard to expand their audience when their current userbase is alienating, not just minority groups, but normal, decent people.

It's also worth considering that these groups are minorities everywhere on the internet. I promise you, being supremely strict on "offensive" language will not bring diversity to cRPG. The only thing it will do is drive existing players away. Sure, you consider that a good thing since those players are obvious "bigots" since they choose to use language interpreted by some as a slur.

The only girl I've ever heard directly insulted was Winterly, which was very sad yeah. She was all like "here!" during rollcall for a battle and people were like "LOL IS THAT A 12 YEAR OLD BOY?"

Yeah, that's fucked up. Winterly was really nice to everyone, a good player, and I enjoyed her company. Really good battle-buddy to have. I've been playing for a good amount of time, and being a gigantic nerd, I play a LOT. EVERYONE is called "whore, slut, etc". If those insults were reserved for women, that'd be one thing. They're simply general insults to the vast population.

You've got to understand that the reality is not that women, homosexuals, transexuals, or whatever alienated minority group are not driven away because certain words are used in-game. I wish that were the case, because then you'd be rightfully crusading. I love playing with all sorts. It's interesting to hear different viewpoints on all kinds of shit that I wouldn't normally hear. However, member of those minority groups simply NEVER SET FOOT IN THIS GAME.

The fact is, those minority groups simply do not play online video games in the numbers that white male nerds do. There's very little that we can do about it. They're simply uninterested.

Furthermore; if anyone plays with me you damn well know that I don't say shit that I think would make people feel bad. One of my main goals in life is to make other people happier as best I can. I love everyone! Truly, I do! However, I still hold the firm belief that the burden should lie on the listener to take proactive measures to safeguard his or her feelings; it should not lie on administration to safeguard others.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 05:46:04 pm by Sandersson Jankins »
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #41 on: March 27, 2013, 05:32:46 pm »
Has anyone ever wondered why you can count the number of openly female or gay players on NA with both hands and still have enough fingers left over to plug your ears and say, "na na na na"?  Because suggesting someone is homosexual is considered to be the most insulting thing you can say to someone on here and if you're a woman then you deal with being called a whore and worse, specifically because you're a woman, when you kill someone just because you outplay them.  Either that or you're a fake gamer girl who can't play games.  And that's from the general population and not the individuals that constantly creep on and cyber stalk you.

Sure, the devs managed to get a bunch of cash out of you to bankroll their new game.  But it's hard to expand their audience when their current userbase is alienating, not just minority groups, but normal, decent people.

Unfortunately this argument doesn't hold water because, first, nobody cares if you're gay or female. Pointing something like that out about yourself is frowned upon because it's unnecessary to know to play a video game. (ie. it's considered looking for attention.)

Second, welcome to every game community in the history of online multiplayer. If you honestly think using such 'offensive' words is keeping players away, then you must not play many other games.
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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #42 on: March 27, 2013, 05:39:16 pm »
Hmm, I've got mixed feelings about this because cRPG has always been a safe place for these people to be themselves.

Every day they walk around in public keeping their true selves private from friends, family, coworkers and even girlfriends in a few cases because they know society generally looks down on homophobic/racist speech.  So many times during the day they probably want to casually use the n-word or call someone a "bundle of sticks" but can't without risking losing their job or being ostracized by their classmates.  Then they get home at night, pour a glass of chard and transport themselves to a fabulous medieval world where they can "come out of the closet" so to speak and chat with guys who are just like them.

It's too bad Gorath doesn't play cRPG anymore because it'd be interesting to hear his opinion on this subject.  He was an outspoken advocate of gay chat rights in medieval combat simulators and was frequently muted by the powers that be because of this.

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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #43 on: March 27, 2013, 05:40:22 pm »
Unfortunately this argument doesn't hold water because, first, nobody cares if you're gay or female. Pointing something like that out about yourself is frowned upon because it's unnecessary to know to play a video game. (ie. it's considered looking for attention.)

Second, welcome to every game community in the history of online multiplayer. If you honestly think using such 'offensive' words is keeping players away, then you must not play many other games.

You seriously don't understand the difference between "I don't mean it when I say it" and a person who could have been bullied their entire life for it and may have had one or several traumatic experiences because of it.  If only there was a word for that (it's "privilege)".  And I'm not just talking about homophobia.  Look at sexual assault/rape stats.  Reported and estimated.  Ask a woman in your life how many times she is accosted on the streets or feels threatened and then told it's her fault.  It's not just a word in a vacuum, it's a constant assault and you're part of it.
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Re: the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« Reply #44 on: March 27, 2013, 05:43:13 pm »
What does any of that got to do with the chat of a freaking game, where you play as some anonymous medieval cannonfodder?