XyNox why'd you leave EU_4 so early mate?
Had to work early and faked a rage quit.
This is correct, but you can't really blame people for wanting to have fun...
This is correct, but you can blame people if they are destroying your fun...
Couldnt have said it better.
What if we want all the kills for ourselves? Or just don't like the idea of you shooting everyone to pieces and just standing by as it happens?
Also it would be no fun for ranged if all the melee players left, then they would have noone to shoot at besides eachother... And we all now how boring ranged duels can be
But on the other hand it would be boring without ranged, that melee server that used to be on was just one big gank fest, even though there were max 30 players.
If you want all the kills for yourself you are playing the wrong game Id say. Nor will any ranged be able to shoot a whole team "to pieces" in the current state.
The problem I am adressing is that you just cant support your teammate as ranged when they dont let you. More often than not, the only reasonable decision to make is to let your teammate die - then enjoy a clean shot. Not because of douchbaggery but because the missilespeed nerf and glitchy hitboxes make it mathematically impossible to completely eliminate the chance of hitting your teammate unless you are shooting at point blank range. So what can you do ?
- If you engage you might hit your teammate, effectively helping the enemy.
- If you dont engage you are letting your team down by one player, effectively helping the enemy.
So what do you do ? The only thing reasonable of course ... you switch to another target that is not getting meatshielded by your teammates.
With a bit of teamwork however, what is the enemy gonna do ? Imagine a smart melee and archer working together. The melee keeps in mind the relative position of his ranged buddy so he doesnt walk into his line of fire. Also the melee will roughly pay attention to when the archer has drawn his bow and is ready to fire. Options for enemy:
- If the enemy tries to use the melee player as cover, melee player instantly knows how to move in order not to meatshield the enemy from his ranged teammate -> enemy is always exposed to archer, archer has a much higher chance at scoring hits without having to cancel his attacks.
- When melee knows that the archer is about to shoot, he just holds his attack ready ( preferably greatsword stab ) and simply dances just outside of the enemies weapon reach until archer releases his arrow -> when archer hits, enemy is staggered for a sec and melee gets in a free hit.
- Enemy cant attack the archer as he will get hit in the back by melee player
- Enemy cant run away as he will get shot in the back by archer
This is of course a very idealised situation and will arguably not always work in big clusterfucks. However at the current state of average teamwork, even if an ideal situation like the one stated above would occure on EU1 these days, almost no melee player would give a fuck about actually using his ranged teammate to gain an advantage over his opponent.
I think you get the point. I am not saying that melees should stop playing the game so ranged can have all the fun but as its present state, ranged has to stop playing the game because melee or cav teammates are shutting them down more often than not.
So yeah, enjoy your support, dont fight it. As a result, enjoy more gametime, less time spent dead, less teamhits, more multi and more winning.