Well maybe now people will realise not to be racist in chat to people? It's not okay to say "fuck you chinks" to Chinese players, it's not okay to use that word at all infact but the context here makes it all the worse.
It's just a mad racist nerd angry at Chinese players, and a 1 week ban is deserved.
You're a true hypocrite, Badplayer.
Kill all white people.
Yeah my Call of Duty clan is called the Schutzstaffel and we roleplay massacring jews. It's historical so if we didn't do that, it would just be stupid I think.
You say it's not okay to use the word "chink" in any context whatsoever, and even in joking it would be wrong. But yet here you post about roleplaying the massacre of jews, then you say it would be stupid if you didn't. I don't know about you, but the holocaust isn't something you'd joke about either, in any context. If you truly do feel so strongly about racism, then you shouldn't be joking about such atrocities like the genocide of jews. The holocaust, can and is sometimes defined as a form of racism, ie prejudice against a certain people, because of their religion, race, or nationality.
Honeydew did sincerely apologize, and should be unbanned, or shortened at least. A one week ban is excessive, especially for someone who doesn't have much of a ban history (he's been banned once for 12 hours for tking a friend).