I honestly can't tell myself. Stat wise it's incredible , especially when loomed. Of course it still won't be near as tanky as the more armored horses, but the overall balance of it's armor/speed/maneuver is very interesting, and definitely justifies it being an expensive horse.
But is it maybe a bit too expensive ? I can see what the balance team went for here - a pricey upgraded destrier/barded warhorse that has decent speed capabilities while also having some armor. I just really don't know whether it should belong in the cataphracts price division, one division lower (large warhorse), or somewhere in between (35-38k). Then again, reducing it's price might be risky cause the stats are quite great if you look at them. Dunno, tough one imho.
What do you guys think ?
hit points: 120
body armor: 34
difficulty: 5
speed: 42
maneuver: 41
charge: 36