as already mentioned by me in the rules thread of Haboe.
Through the attacks on Slezkh Castle and Chalbek Castle, i learned the hard way what is used, not punished and therefor ok to use. Those ladders in those sieges of UIF haven't been skyladders but highly arguably if allowed to be used that way as long there is no implementation of better code for the workings of ladders.
Therefor my way to push the issue is and was like in Hrus Castle Defense to use it as well constantly.
The types of ladders i am speaking about are those f.e. put towards a wall section while still on ground and also would touch on a second part ground(like the wall sections). Physicly they are impossible, but hell it is not punishable when you do it, which made me as least as furrious as you seem to be here.
Those types of ladders lead then to
a) defenders get superrior shooting angles/positions
b) disallow/neglect enemies to put ladders at those positions(especially on narrow maps or keeps this can be a bitch)
I know that Erasmus agrees on this aproach to use things which may be debatable to get awarness for it and as Harpag said it is a game mechanic issue afterall aslong there are no clear rules to follow.
Overall all, i myself will be for our sides kind of a ladder patrol as i also put them often. When i get aware of a ladder not conform with the current ruleset, i will destroy it. Still mistakes still can happen and some dudes never cared to read the new rules. Therefor i would suggest to the admins that they first call out any ladders which needs to be destroyed and only if they make out a repeated offender would make him aware of it and when then still not followed also consider kick/ban.