I would much rather trust my fellow players that they aren't cheating than lock down the game, out of fright that they might be getting some small advantage.
Experienced players already move far from corners, because there's a good chance that there's someone using the old wallhack of 3rd person view and tilde key to view past the corner and hit you in the face as you come around it. Sure it's a dick move to use transparent walls like that, but will it help you to win every fight? It's not like an aimbot or an autoblock.
And this absurd stuff about making spikes come out of armors? Do you have any idea how fucked you would be if you got into a melee with random spikes everywhere? You could not see enemy weapons and you could not block anything!
And different color armor? That's cheating too? Silly, I think.
Great trolling 5/5
It's called having an opinion. Be against it all you like, but don't say it's "just trolling".
Totally not blowing this out of proportion.
The principle fits. But granted, he was speaking of greater matters.