Author Topic: Hoplite Gameplay Video  (Read 3750 times)

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Offline Anita_Henjaab

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Re: Hoplite Gameplay Video
« Reply #45 on: February 28, 2013, 11:30:13 pm »
You see, hoplite is a supportive class that has both great survivability and long reach, it isn't really supposed to be effective in duels. If hoplites had equial chances with other classes in duel, they would be obviously overpowered.
All you need to duel as hoplite is to put your shield on your back, it's not that hard really.

Whoever put hoplite in the supportive class? It wont become suddenly OP if it had another attack direction... Why couldnt it just be as good for a skilled player in duel too? I'm trying to make it equal yo

 whatever other weapon that uses a shield can attack more directions they cant just downblock you and stop you from doing anything. But for that it needs another attack, or something else... I think a overhead attack would be nice.

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Re: Hoplite Gameplay Video
« Reply #46 on: March 01, 2013, 12:04:42 am »
I wouldn't say a hoplite with 2 different directions would be anywhere near equal in duel.
I didn't say that either.
Whoever put hoplite in the supportive class? It wont become suddenly OP if it had another attack direction... Why couldnt it just be as good for a skilled player in duel too? I'm trying to make it equal yo

 whatever other weapon that uses a shield can attack more directions they cant just downblock you and stop you from doing anything. But for that it needs another attack, or something else... I think a overhead attack would be nice.
It WILL become suddenly OP if hoplites had another attack direction.
What you're doing now is basically speculating with "you have four attack direction, why do we have only one?", completely missing the advantages your class has over those who use 4-directional shorter weapons with shield, I mean reach and horse-rearing. Hoplites is supportive class because in it's current state they're only good in supportive role. If you add them another attack direction without cutting their supportive abilities - clearly you'd make them OP.

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Re: Hoplite Gameplay Video
« Reply #47 on: March 01, 2013, 03:43:25 am »

They nerfed down turnspeed so we cant kill anybody in duels that way (if the other one blocks down).
They nerfed down polestagger, so forget about using that.
if half the server is full with hoplites... Well this is the way to make these 'noobs' stay and dont go try another game.
Make hoplies USABLE in duels, i DO NOT want them OP. Just usable.

Maybe an overhead strike is stupid, a little shieldbash? a way to stike the foe in the head if he doesnt upblock. Just something...

If they were really just meant to be supportive, then they'd be handing out cookies. ;)

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Re: Hoplite Gameplay Video
« Reply #48 on: March 01, 2013, 04:47:08 am »

They nerfed down turnspeed so we cant kill anybody in duels that way (if the other one blocks down).
They nerfed down polestagger, so forget about using that.
if half the server is full with hoplites... Well this is the way to make these 'noobs' stay and dont go try another game.
Make hoplies USABLE in duels, i DO NOT want them OP. Just usable.

Maybe an overhead strike is stupid, a little shieldbash? a way to stike the foe in the head if he doesnt upblock. Just something...

the fuck dude, you just put the shield away and you gain overheads and possibly sideswings and can duel all you want, its a versatile weapon, thats why so many people use it, stop being a lobbying idiot.  you even see teeth do this a few times in the video (to help a teammate with two directions at once), he's just simply too effective at point blank stab abuse/kicks to need to do it often.

I can understand wanting war spear getting a few more damage on sideswings but you are just being full out ign'nt
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Re: Hoplite Gameplay Video
« Reply #49 on: March 01, 2013, 04:47:37 am »
Hoplites are able to be used in duels, they've got another attack outside of the thrust already, and it's called a kick.
You think you're pretty smart with your dago mustache and your greasy hair.