Nditions Teamspeak is down due to lack of payment
My apologies. And it is not quite clear yet what will happen.
Either it will be back in the next few days or a new TS Server will be set up, but most likely not as big as Nditions.
Well, I'm not 100% confindent in saying this, but our Server Owner doesn't mind letting other clans use our TS. No Monthly fee, no fee period.(We get it for free because he uses a server that hosts stuff for his work so we got the space for TS).
He's Offered Hospitaller a spot if they wanted, So I'm fairly certain he wouldn't mind letting others come in. If you boys want I can get clear confirmation.
In case you were wondering, our ts address is: Memorialmark.com OR Either one works. Come check it out if you want. We got 512 slots so not worried about the slots either