Author Topic: Saddest/Worst CRPG Moments  (Read 6810 times)

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Offline Commodore_Axephante

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Re: Saddest/Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #75 on: February 21, 2013, 06:28:34 pm »
For the last week I've been trying to play the Harlem Shake during quiet moments strat teamspeaks. Every single time people are just like "WITCHCRAFT your mic is on" and nothing else. Felt like this:

I want to say "dude I heard you doing that last night, and got kind of pumped, but don't have a mic so I couldn't respond"... but I know that if I say that you'll go "I wasn't doing it last night," and suddenly I'll be the one with the evaporating friends.

EDIT: Also on topic, last night I TKed WITCHCRAFT in the middle of a counter-push. I'm sad every time I TK someone, but this one was especially mournful, not only because I like the dude but because I haven't managed to stop weeping black liquid ever since.

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Re: Saddest/Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #76 on: February 21, 2013, 06:56:30 pm »
For the last week I've been trying to play the Harlem Shake during quiet moments strat teamspeaks. Every single time people are just like "WITCHCRAFT your mic is on" and nothing else.

Was there for this. I quite thoroughly found it amusing, especially how everyone just kept thinking you were hot-miccing.
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Re: Saddest/Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #77 on: February 22, 2013, 07:19:05 pm »
Thanks guys I feel a little better now  :)
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irl something shorted on the shuttle and laika overheated and died within a few hours of liftoff and for a brief while one could look up to the stars and see a light shooting across the sky that was actually a warm dog corpse slingshoting about the earth at thousands of miles per hour which was arguably humanity's greatest achievement so far

Offline Dexxtaa

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Re: Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #78 on: February 22, 2013, 08:19:47 pm »
Actually, here's a real one for me.

It was the point where I decided to leave Chaos. Don't get me wrong, everything that's developed from there has gone through its own journey which I'm glad for, but it was heartbreaking for me to leave the clan and the organization that we worked hard to put together.

During the Chaos decline, action was almost non-existent and I we were plagued with inactivity, festering and brewing in our own frustration and non-success by our standards. Our glory days long behind us (not that it mattered), we were excited to get into the fight, and do what we do best ("here come those Chaos bundle of stickss to steamroll the server for 2 hours").

Strategus had left us at each others' throats, confused, angry and unsure where to direct our chagrin. Upper management were having an all out battle royale on the forums, which spilled into the public section of our forums. The once mighty battle cult of Stratia's best had fallen into disarray. Canary (coined "the Fuhrer" by our own Weebo) had taken to an iron hand that (in my opinion) needed to be used for the restructure of the faction.

The old Chaos by now had deteriorated into a faction that accepted any joe dirt off the street with an amicable personality, with no clauses to maintain the high standards which were a prominent strategy - called the "applicant pants." It was a majority rule, and people were overtaken by the group think did not oppose new members out of either disregard or conflict avoidance. The result was the same.

Stagnation, the dilution of combat skill level. The overall reduction across the board on teamwork (Cohesion and Synergy™), and the descent into trolly attitude among bored members who were simply looking for fresh ways to play the game they enjoyed with good company. The Chaos of old had reached a low point, where even its then-highest ranked members lost faith in the future of the Clan. I lost faith in Chaos.

In a way, our exodus from Chaos was beneficial to both our own peace of mind as well as their player base. Most of those who chose to leave Chaos without pledging their allegiance to us decided to make their own short termed clan with no future (as I'm sure they knew during inception). Those who followed us marched away from our own brothers, our home. Those who stayed watched us leave, sad (I'm sure) but hopeful at a chance of a cleaner future.

My decision to leave the clan that I helped found, the decision to leave the leader I helped instate, the decision to leave he whom I had once pledged to support, the decision to leave the brothers I had shed and drew blood with. That moment was the worst cRPG moment.
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Offline Commodore_Axephante

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Re: Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #79 on: February 22, 2013, 08:33:33 pm »
My decision to leave the clan that I helped found, the decision to leave the leader I helped instate, the decision to leave he whom I had once pledged to support, the decision to leave the brothers I had shed and drew blood with. That moment was the worst cRPG moment.

One of the most interesting things about Strategus to me is a certain something that was probably not intended in the original game design. And that is the roleplaying implications of the fact that we, the players, are immortal. We fight and fight and fight and never die. Only our organizations die. We linger on to watch them crumble, either slowly decaying or violently burning. Thus we suffer the plight of the immortal, as explored in everything from Tuck Everlasting to Highlander. Nothing we create can ever last. There are no thousand year empires in CRPG. What you experienced, Dexxtaa, is our communal destiny.

They say you either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain... well, we aren't dying. You do the math.

EDIT: Though, Remnant has been a while, no? Even so, I'm sure they know the sting of the decaying world.
EDIT 2: Oh wait, I was thinking of Fallen. Same deal.

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Re: Saddest/Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #80 on: February 22, 2013, 08:46:44 pm »
Ya dex i remember when you guys where inviting lots of people to try to compete with hospitaller in the red vs green war, i even mentioned it in my rap i made back then.

Chaos dont get me wrong you've got some good players
But you've watered down your Clan like the Pope does prayers
You bitches are kind of like my orange juice
Made from 2% concentrate, one sip and spit the shit loose

Its interesting how strat which is supposed to be a harmless little side game is the most frequent cause for clans to collapse to whatever extent.
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Re: Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #81 on: February 22, 2013, 09:06:43 pm »
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 - Stolen from Macropussy


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Re: Saddest/Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #82 on: February 24, 2013, 06:27:44 am »
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Beyond gold or platinum. This post has gone mithril.
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irl something shorted on the shuttle and laika overheated and died within a few hours of liftoff and for a brief while one could look up to the stars and see a light shooting across the sky that was actually a warm dog corpse slingshoting about the earth at thousands of miles per hour which was arguably humanity's greatest achievement so far

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Re: Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #83 on: February 24, 2013, 07:45:54 pm »
One of the most interesting things about Strategus to me is a certain something that was probably not intended in the original game design. And that is the roleplaying implications of the fact that we, the players, are immortal. We fight and fight and fight and never die. Only our organizations die. We linger on to watch them crumble, either slowly decaying or violently burning. Thus we suffer the plight of the immortal, as explored in everything from Tuck Everlasting to Highlander. Nothing we create can ever last. There are no thousand year empires in CRPG. What you experienced, Dexxtaa, is our communal destiny.

They say you either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain... well, we aren't dying. You do the math.

EDIT: Though, Remnant has been a while, no? Even so, I'm sure they know the sting of the decaying world.
EDIT 2: Oh wait, I was thinking of Fallen. Same deal.

I sometimes like to think of Strat and cRPG as a kind of purgatory where the souls of warriors fight eternally, RP-wise. Like a hellish version of Valhalla or something. And most of the "warriors" have the emotional maturity of teenagers at best XD. They can go dormant (just stop playing), fade into nothingness (delete) or be smitted into oblivion by the evil soul-shepherding Donkey god that rules these lands (permaban), but otherwise there is no way out...
« Last Edit: February 24, 2013, 07:50:56 pm by Oberyn »
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Offline Commodore_Axephante

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Re: Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #84 on: February 24, 2013, 08:16:04 pm »
I sometimes like to think of Strat and cRPG as a kind of purgatory where the souls of warriors fight eternally, RP-wise. Like a hellish version of Valhalla or something. And most of the "warriors" have the emotional maturity of teenagers at best XD. They can go dormant (just stop playing), fade into nothingness (delete) or be smitted into oblivion by the evil soul-shepherding Donkey god that rules these lands (permaban), but otherwise there is no way out...

Einherjar without the food and booze.

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Re: Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #85 on: February 24, 2013, 08:40:14 pm »
Einherjar without the food and booze.

cRPG is actually a Buddhist metaphor. Existence is struggle and pain, to escape the cycle of death and rebirth one must erase himself. chadz so deep.
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Re: Saddest/Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #86 on: February 24, 2013, 08:51:42 pm »
im sad when i join eu1 and its night. i leave join eu2 and its night.. makes me go and watch tv :P
i make terrible warband videos!

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Re: Saddest/Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #87 on: February 25, 2013, 12:56:26 am »
im sad when i join eu1 and its night. i leave join eu2 and its night.. makes me go and watch tv :P
No worries, after a night there is a cloudy day with a thick fog and it's even worse than night.
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Re: Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #88 on: February 25, 2013, 01:23:49 am »
Actually, here's a real one for me.

It was the point where I decided to leave Chaos. Don't get me wrong, everything that's developed from there has gone through its own journey which I'm glad for, but it was heartbreaking for me to leave the clan and the organization that we worked hard to put together.

During the Chaos decline, action was almost non-existent and I we were plagued with inactivity, festering and brewing in our own frustration and non-success by our standards. Our glory days long behind us (not that it mattered), we were excited to get into the fight, and do what we do best ("here come those Chaos bundle of stickss to steamroll the server for 2 hours").

Strategus had left us at each others' throats, confused, angry and unsure where to direct our chagrin. Upper management were having an all out battle royale on the forums, which spilled into the public section of our forums. The once mighty battle cult of Stratia's best had fallen into disarray. Canary (coined "the Fuhrer" by our own Weebo) had taken to an iron hand that (in my opinion) needed to be used for the restructure of the faction.

The old Chaos by now had deteriorated into a faction that accepted any joe dirt off the street with an amicable personality, with no clauses to maintain the high standards which were a prominent strategy - called the "applicant pants." It was a majority rule, and people were overtaken by the group think did not oppose new members out of either disregard or conflict avoidance. The result was the same.

Stagnation, the dilution of combat skill level. The overall reduction across the board on teamwork (Cohesion and Synergy™), and the descent into trolly attitude among bored members who were simply looking for fresh ways to play the game they enjoyed with good company. The Chaos of old had reached a low point, where even its then-highest ranked members lost faith in the future of the Clan. I lost faith in Chaos.

In a way, our exodus from Chaos was beneficial to both our own peace of mind as well as their player base. Most of those who chose to leave Chaos without pledging their allegiance to us decided to make their own short termed clan with no future (as I'm sure they knew during inception). Those who followed us marched away from our own brothers, our home. Those who stayed watched us leave, sad (I'm sure) but hopeful at a chance of a cleaner future.

My decision to leave the clan that I helped found, the decision to leave the leader I helped instate, the decision to leave he whom I had once pledged to support, the decision to leave the brothers I had shed and drew blood with. That moment was the worst cRPG moment.

This can also be summed up as "THE KRECZOR EFFECT."
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Re: Worst CRPG Moments
« Reply #89 on: February 25, 2013, 03:36:24 am »
One of the most interesting things about Strategus to me is a certain something that was probably not intended in the original game design. And that is the roleplaying implications of the fact that we, the players, are immortal. We fight and fight and fight and never die. Only our organizations die. We linger on to watch them crumble, either slowly decaying or violently burning. Thus we suffer the plight of the immortal, as explored in everything from Tuck Everlasting to Highlander. Nothing we create can ever last. There are no thousand year empires in CRPG. What you experienced, Dexxtaa, is our communal destiny.

They say you either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain... well, we aren't dying. You do the math.

EDIT: Though, Remnant has been a while, no? Even so, I'm sure they know the sting of the decaying world.
EDIT 2: Oh wait, I was thinking of Fallen. Same deal.

Batman quote? Just kidding batman probably stole that from somewhere else.