
What do you think about conquest mode?

We need it the way Joker proposed it, or a very similar way
27 (37.5%)
We need conquest, but some other way (e.g. multiple spawns, whatever)
22 (30.6%)
We don't need conquest at all, battle is nice
8 (11.1%)
I don't really care
15 (20.8%)

Total Members Voted: 72

Author Topic: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!  (Read 1874 times)

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Offline Joker86

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Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« on: February 16, 2013, 03:28:36 am »

As most of you know for sure, the complaints about archery have increased again lately, at least that is what I have experienced in the forum. Infantry complains about archery, archers defend themselves and both complain about cavalry. Both archers and cavalry have been nerfed to oblivion by the devs, and yet they couldn't really deal with the hatred between the different classes, and the basic problems are still existant, although not to the extend they used to once, but still.

Smoothrich already suggested it, but his topic didn't even get over one page, so here is my try to finally get the attention of the devs.

Why we need conquest game mode:

- Infantry complains about cavalry and especially archers all the time
- On one hand the complaints are justified, on the other they are not
- Infantry requires much more teamplay and coordination to maximize their potential, which archers and cav do not require. If infs used more tactics, they would suffer less.
- Cavalry and archers enjoy a higher "flexibility" in a few aspects. What sounds like something very blurry and abstract has a massive impact on your gameplay and especially on your perception of fun when it comes to the objective of killing all enemies. Short: in battle mode infantry is the idiot because of missing flexibility and higher teamplay requirements
- As a result of these borked mechanics and the following complaints, archers and cavalry got nerfed again and again, without really fixing the source of the problems


Implement conquest mode, with the following important conditions:

1. It REPLACES battle mode (at least for some time)
2. It is still round based, which means everyone has only ONE life
3. The maps need to be designed carefully, and it is much better to have a few good maps than a shitload of random, unbalanced maps

It works this way:

- Every team has a "battlefield control"-ressource you can name any other way you like. Each team starts with 10.000 units of that ressource
- On each map there is an uneven amount of flags. The more flags, the more small skirmishes you have, the less flags the bigger the central battle. Either 3 or 5 flags sounds reasonable to me.
- These flags need to be placed absolutely evenly on the map, which means that both teams need the same time to reach the same amount of flags.
- Once players enter a certain, rather wide area around a flag (25-50m radius?), they start capping. As soon as enemies enter the area, the flag starts getting uncapped again. You need the double amount of own troops to "ignore" enemies in your flag area and restart capping/keeping it capped.
- As soon as one team owns less completely captured flags than the enemy, they start losing the battlefield ressource. The bigger the difference of the captured flags, the faster the ressource drains.
- Next to this the ressource drain is increasing exponentially. So the longer you need to capture a flag, the more likely you will lose.
- Perhaps the amount of remaining players could also be taken into account, but I am not sure about this one and how it could be implemented. But hey, I don't have an answer for everything.

Once a team reaches 0 ressource points or has no players left, it loses. If one team loses, the other team - who would have guessed it - wins. If the time limit is reached before one team reaches 0 ressources or loses all players, the team with the higher amount of ressources wins. Only if both teams have exactly the same number of ressources, it's a draw. This has the nice sice effect that draws will be something really rare in the future.

There could be even room for buffing archers and cavalry again!

Now why do I want those 3 conditions I listed up at the beginning?

1. The game mode has to replace battle, because otherwise...
... we would split up the community too much
... classes which have more advantages in battle mode would still stick to it (probably), turning conquest into a boring infantry only spamfest
... people should be forced to actually try the game mode and adapt to it, so we can have a representative result. If people try it, but for some reason many say "naah, that's not for me, it's so unfamiliar", the game mode would be dead before it even had a chance to fix things
... we would not have a unique game mode which would be the core gameplay element of identification for cRPG  :wink:

2. It has to be round based, because one problem infantry always had was missing teamplay. With the new focus on the flags infantry will hopefully play together more, instead of everybody chasing after his target of choice, scattering infantry all over the place and provoking all the problems infantry is constantly complaining about. But if you had several respawns, death wouldn't be so much of a problem, and the advantage of the game mode - encouraging teamplay - would be negated again.

3. The maps need to be designed carefully, so that ALL classes have a chance to influence the battle at ANY flag on the map. Which means, at least in my opinion, that the area around each flag has to contain one half which is open, plain ground, and another half, which offers cover and protection. That way cavalry, archers and infantry can all participate to the same extend in capturing a flag. On the other hand the area AROUND the capturing area needs to contain both open plains and "difficult terrain" at the same extend, to allow the enemies to attack effectively. On the other hand, the widest areas around the flags, let's call it something like the "third circle" around the flag (first circle is capturing area, second is "attacking area"), needs to be open plains, so that archers and cavalry have a chance to interrupt or stop enemy movement between the flags.

I think it is pretty obvious that it is pretty much borked up if the closest flag to your spawn would be on an open field next to a small castle on a hill which will always be reached by your enemy first. This would move archers and cavalry more into the acting roles, while infantry would again be only playing the easy targets on open terrain. And even if on the other side of the map you have another castle on a hill next to a flag with the roles switched, it would still be a shitty map, because infantry players would have less fun than the others. That's what I mean with "carefully designed maps".

To put a little bit of voice behind this topic I will add a poll, and feel free to vote on this post as well, if you like.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 03:47:42 am by Joker86 »
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2013, 03:29:32 am »
Maybe in M:BG, doubt that this will make it to cRPG

Offline Joker86

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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2013, 03:32:47 am »
Maybe in M:BG, doubt that this will make it to cRPG

I hope not, I would like to play cRPG again. But in its current shape...  :?

I really don't want to wait like... one/two years(?), for something which MIGHT come some day?

Edit: And another 2 reasons:

I don't plan on playing M:BG. No skill ceiling? Unemployed no-lifer kiddies kicking my sorry ass whenever I connect to play a round or two after work? No thanks!

And: perhaps the devs would like to have a test run on the new game mode, instead of just implementing it (eventually) into their new game and hope the best? Because I can't guarantee my idea (if it is mine at all) doesn't turn out to be big bull. It's just a suggestion, after all, meant like "Why don't we try...?"
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 03:41:36 am by Joker86 »
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2013, 03:08:41 pm »
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2013, 04:29:50 pm »
I like the conquest mode the way you proposed it but having only one life means that it would be faster just to kill off the enemy instead of capping everything. Why not respawning, i wouldnt mind a delayed respawning mechanic in conquest mode
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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2013, 04:51:22 pm »
I've just realised i tend to +1 Jokers posts without reading them because they are too damn long

Joker please, please start incorporating a TL;DR version

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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2013, 05:01:23 pm »
2. It is still round based, which means everyone has only ONE life


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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2013, 05:11:53 pm »
Im not all down with the idea of replacing battle. I like battle, its big and messy.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 07:17:47 pm by TiberiusX »

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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2013, 06:16:23 pm »
Why do u always have long-fuck threads and comments :c!
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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2013, 06:19:35 pm »
Smoothrich's version was better.

Add that to your poll and smoke it
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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2013, 08:59:35 pm »
exactly how does the basic concept of your mod "solve" ballance issues about ranged and cav vs infantry like you said ? for me it looks straight the other way around tbh , cruising from flag to flag with ma GK_ cav crew , raping everything ... or chilling camping around with an archer/sniper squad at a flag or camping at some hiding place , shooting off loners ...

anyhow , i would still stick with battle . Ima old fart , grew up with this shit and its ugly and stupid as myself  :mrgreen:
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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2013, 09:05:37 pm »
(click to show/hide)

Just to summarize, my idea was to make Conquest a hybrid of Battle, Siege, and Strategus.

Take a map like Field by the river.  Both spawns get a flag from Siege.  The center ruins gets another Siege flag.  Both teams start with tickets like a Strat battle.  Each kill, or every conquest "tick" that a side has less siege flags under control then the other team, drains the Strat tickets.

Respawns would be selectable around flags you control, easily by using spawn flags like Strat battles.

I imagine a mode like this would require half assed dev work using nothing but assets present in every mode, would be simple, fast paced, and fun.  I think the single life is the main problem of Battle, the shit maps and awkwardness of non infantry classes is the main problem of Siege, and the bugs and esoteric interface surrounding Strategus is the main problem of Strat battles.

Simply take the best of all 3, and get a fast, in-your face mode with respawns, teamwork, objectives, with classes playing to their strengths and more fun to be had for everyone.


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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2013, 09:23:25 pm »
Why do u always have long-fuck threads and comments :c!

Because he knows trolls like you wont read them and just leave? :lol:

Offline Joker86

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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2013, 11:08:38 pm »
Just to clarify why I - in difference to Smoothrich - insist on one spawn per round (the tl;dr version is marked with two summaries and a final conclusion, just read those 3 paragraphs):

My main motivation for implementing the conquest mode is to solve some issues only infantry players have with the other classes. Those issues are the majority of all complaints in the forum, at least that's what my impression looks like. You don't see many people complaining about archers or cavalry in siege mode, only in battle mode, and usually it's always complaints which come from n infantry point of view. Yes, archers and cavalry also tend to complain about each other, but many of those complaints (archers can't evade cavalry well, and cavalry is very vulnerable against archer fire) stem from complaints of infantry against those classes and the resulting nerfs.

Summary: conquest mode is to change the gameplay for infantry players. (Note that this does NOT represent a buff, not necessarily and at least not in the "usual" understanding of a buff).

Now because my main focus is on improving gameplay for infantry, we have to take another theory of mine into account: infantry needs more teamplay than other classes to reach the peak of their effectivity. While a single two hander, pikeman and shielder all have their weak spots and all of them have trouble against certain other classes, a trio of them playing together as organized group can best almost every other combination of the other classes (ranged and cav).

And this is another reason for a lot of whine from the infantry player side, because most infantry players do NOT want to play as organized group. They just rush off to the closest target to beat it to death. The balancing problem is, that you could indeed buff the stats of those players and the game would not be broken, but as soon as a bunch of infantry players would start with proper teamplay it would be OP. So infantry has to be balanced around those organised players => random autowalkers are UP => a lot of whine.

To prevent this I want to keep it one life per round. That way players are FORCED to try to survive to see some fighting, and that will hopefully lead to an increased amount of teamplay among the infantry players. I really do hope this. I doubt the amount will ever reach a reasonable extend of teamplay, but every little bit helps.

Summary: Infantry needs to apply teamplay to be on equal footing with the other classes. If we had several respawns per round, infantry would just suicide run like they always did before (or even more than ever!  :rolleyes: ), and they would have exactly the same problems dealing with the other classes like they have now, and nothing would have improved.

I understand that people would like a more fast paced, forgiving game mode, but that's not what I am aiming for. I want a game mode where not only the fighting skills can be maximized, but also the cooperative skills, which gives the game more depth and is more interesting for me.

If people want just to fight and kill and only maximize their fighting skills I am perfectly fine with that, but then I would recommend to create a team deathmatch mode. Just spawn, autowalk and spam your blows. It's your goddamn right. But there should be some kind of concept and target behind the implemented gamemodes, and there is just no way to please both the "I want to fight other players"-players and the "I want to win battles"-players. That's why I would keep it seperated.

I like the conquest mode the way you proposed it but having only one life means that it would be faster just to kill off the enemy instead of capping everything. Why not respawning, i wouldnt mind a delayed respawning mechanic in conquest mode

This is a question of balancing the ressource drain rate. And remember that many players, especially cavalry and archers, will try to stay out of range of other players, and it would be very difficult to catch up the last surviving ones. They would run off and it would be almost always faster to simply capture all flags.

exactly how does the basic concept of your mod "solve" ballance issues about ranged and cav vs infantry like you said ? for me it looks straight the other way around tbh , cruising from flag to flag with ma GK_ cav crew , raping everything ... or chilling camping around with an archer/sniper squad at a flag or camping at some hiding place , shooting off loners ...

anyhow , i would still stick with battle . Ima old fart , grew up with this shit and its ugly and stupid as myself  :mrgreen:

Cruising from flag to flag with cav? There would be a lot of infantry and archers close to the flag, many sitting in terrain more or less unpassable for cavalry, and being focused on defending a position (= they have the "overview" around their surroundings and are aware), instead of autowalking while focusing a distant target, like many easy cavalry targets are right now. Only between the flags you could still find such targets, but not around the flags any more. But most players would be around those flags.

Shooting off loners? There won't be many loners, as the action will alwys be around the flags.

Camping a flag? You could, and it's a valid tactic, but if the enemy has more flags you have to move or you will lose. It's not like the enemy has to approach you to win the round, like in battle.

You see the changes? I think they could help the constant "whine" around the forums...
« Last Edit: February 25, 2013, 03:37:54 pm by Joker86 »
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: Give us conquest mode, already! Dammit!
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2013, 11:45:04 pm »
just have 5 flags and as you capture them your multiplier goes up, and as you lose them your multi goes down.  If you have one flag you get X2, four flags you get X5 and 5 flags you get X5 again.  I would say have respawns, but at the beginning of the map, so the further you advance the longer it will take reinforcements to get there.