If you want to get technical, Rindyar Castle belonged to someone who wore the JABONRA tag, but was not in the official HP strategus faction. FCC ceded control of the castle after a raid and some negotiations, the fief was then purchased by the Frisian Freedom. At this time, Fimbulvetr was about to become official, but the joint faction wasn't in operation at that point, so it was left to a normal run of the mill alliance.
So, while we were all conspiring together at this point, Frisia reported a large Occitan and HP army moving towards them, we had anticipated that Shik's large army would hit us, as there had been some drama concerning the castle. Oh weren't we surprised when the HP army fled into the distance and Occitan's army came to do the dirty work for them. Of course, they lost the siege miserably and left the first thousand some odd men dead in a field, lost due to the incompetency of their so called 'allies'.
So we got thrown into a war with Occitan and HP, over a shitty reconquest casus belli, fought only by Occitan and Fimbulvetr.
Well, I guess HP isn't that bad of an ally, they are throwing themselves into the meat grinder with Occitan now, despite the fact that VE would have left them alone otherwise.