Author Topic: Those that have no life: Have No Fear, This XP System Benefits Only You!  (Read 5401 times)

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Offline Tydeus

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Currently there is a lot of talk about a database wipe and the players who think it's a great idea are saying because they want to level the playing field(which doesn't coincide with an "rpg" mod) and because people play too much. Both statements are illogical and not in the interest of literally anyone.

Previously if you retired once, you reached your second retirement 10% faster than the first time. That means for those that don't have much time to play cRPG, you cut off a lot of time before you got your first masterworked weapon. Now, with total XP not having changed and each retirement only being 3% faster, you have to spend quite a bit more time to get those heirlooms. People with no life are going to play just as much as before, and they're going to get heirlooms regardless of what you do. The difference, is that you're going to have to spend more time playing just to get a single masterworked weapon.

The gap between the Have's and the Have-Not's will only widen. I assure you, those asking for a database wipe who don't have a lot of time to play crpg or who "have a life", it's in your best interest to:
A) Not have a database wipe, putting you farther away from a masterwork
B) Have the old XP system with 10% bonus XP per retirement.

The only two ways that the heirloom system can become balanced are:
1) Heirlooms aren't given by anything related to time spent playing. Meaning you don't retire at level 31 and get a free heirloom.
2) Heirlooms are given out through events such as tournaments or strategus.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 06:14:12 pm by Tydeus »
chadz> i wouldnt mind seeing some penis on my character

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I wish the leveling would completely fall of, everyone starts with lvl 30 and all he gains by playing is gold.
Upgrading weapons would only cost an immense amount of gold, and gaming would be better balanced, i think.
Counter Strike with swords and armor.

Offline Tydeus

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Counter-Strike with swords and armor. That's called playing Native Warband. :x
chadz> i wouldnt mind seeing some penis on my character

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I wish the leveling would completely fall of, everyone starts with lvl 30 and all he gains by playing is gold.
Upgrading weapons would only cost an immense amount of gold, and gaming would be better balanced, i think.
Counter Strike with swords and armor.

i really agree with that. i would really like to start at level 30 with a fixed amount of heirlooms for everyone. example 3 or 6. so someone have to choose to have a masterwork weapon and a lordly piece of armor or to have a MW main weapon and a MW secondary weapon or horse or whatever.

this will add character customization while keeping the mod grind-proof. the only grind part will be quite easy. dress light or rags to make money, dress the shiny stuff when the match is on fire.

for more character variety i would like to see a higher level cap. like 35 or 39. we have the slot nerf anyway so most hybrids will not be possible anymore. but this will give deeper customization along with faster and deadlier fights.

the retirement system then will give ONLY the possibility to try different builds without any further advantage. and capped one once a week or once two weeks.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 06:13:13 pm by Corrado_Decimo »

Offline Metz

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Perhaps heirlooms could be given out as awards for actions in strategus.

Offline vinnytk

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Those that have no life: Have No Fear, This XP System Benefits Only You!

Why are you so against it then?  I know your weekly average   :twisted:

Anyways, just steal the looms again and it will all average out with the new XP cap
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Offline Tydeus

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Why are you so against it then?  I know your weekly average   :twisted:

Anyways, just steal the looms again and it will all average out with the new XP cap

My qualm is that I lose the ability to retire into new specs often. An ability that I think everyone should have but that seems less likely to me than reverting to the old xp system.
chadz> i wouldnt mind seeing some penis on my character

Offline La Makina

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I wish the leveling would completely fall of, everyone starts with lvl 30 and all he gains by playing is gold.
Upgrading weapons would only cost an immense amount of gold, and gaming would be better balanced, i think.
Counter Strike with swords and armor.
I agree that XP and gold should be two different reward system. Heirloomed stuff should cost more (to purchase, repair and sell) and be a gold sink (you wanna take the precious ancestors' sword to the battle? Pay for it!).

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Tydeus, I think you're not quite right here.
The thing is that the bonus you get from heirlooming has also been nerfed a bit, so the heirloomed items don't have a clear advantage over the non-heirloomed ones (well, at least you can compensate the difference with your skill). If the wipe is inevitable, I guess I'll stick to gen 1 character after it.

Offline Tydeus

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Tydeus, I think you're not quite right here.
The thing is that the bonus you get from heirlooming has also been nerfed a bit, so the heirloomed items don't have a clear advantage over the non-heirloomed ones (well, at least you can compensate the difference with your skill). If the wipe is inevitable, I guess I'll stick to gen 1 character after it.
Right, but wiping has nothing to do with this, nor does the xp system. I'm down with lowering the advantage of looms, but this is already in place and wouldn't be affected regardless of the xp system in place or whether or not there was a wipe.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 06:39:36 pm by Tydeus »
chadz> i wouldnt mind seeing some penis on my character

Offline roymorrison

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Why don't you just implement some kind of respec system.  Instead of having to start all over and people bitching about XP bonus' and what not, just crank up the XP requirement per level a bit, and make it possible to respec your stats.  Or don't crank up the XP requirement, either way most of the high gen people seem to be bitching because they can't reclass every couple of days and aren't really concerned about their heirlooms (or so it seems).  Hand out heirlooms based on winning events like Tydeus stated.

Personally, I'm Gen2 and don't even use my heirloomed item anymore.  I'm currently 30 and won't be retiring at 31 because it's not that big of a deal to me to have heirloomed items, since I have to start all over and suck again anyways.  The only reason why I would retire at 31 again is if my build was jacked up, which a respec would fix.


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I'm only gen 5 (well, just turned gen 6 yesterday until the rollback) and I can already say that I value the xp bonus way more than the heirloomed equipment I've gotten.  I like to spec ranged and then melee and try different builds, and I enjoy the fact that I'll be able to have the gold available to try new builds and experiment.

In my opinion heirlooms have a minimal impact on gameplay.. when I lose to someone it isn't because they have a full set of heirloomed equipment, but because they outplayed me.  People often try to justify losing to someone in any way they can, and heirlooms seem like the easiest thing to point at (and thus complain about) when in reality the advantage is quite small.

So I agree with Tydeus; don't wipe the database.  At the very least let the dust settle a bit instead of making a snap decision.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 07:56:27 pm by MrShine »
Holy crap I have a youtube gaming channel!

Offline vinnytk

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My qualm is that I lose the ability to retire into new specs often. An ability that I think everyone should have but that seems less likely to me than reverting to the old xp system.

If everyone could retire every couple days like you then it isn't a MMO anymore, might as well play native.  TBH I wouldn't mind if it was like a normal MMORPG where there is a level cap and you are stuck at it and looms and upgraded weps and the like come from Strategus (if or when it comes back online)
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Hi, I'm Tydeus's friend, KAYNE_WEST. I'm just going to share my thoughts on the topic.

As a fairly new player (gen-1, 8.3 mil into 31) at about 70 hours into this character, I can tell you with certainty that I will not play the c-RPG mod any longer with the reductions on the XP bonus.

For what purpose was the XP bonus nerf put in place? To cut down on heirlooms? To cut down on rewarding those who play more often than others? For either of these two reasons, if you support either, you're fucking stupid.

1.)Cutting down on heirlooms:
First of all, heirlooms didn't mean too much before. Let's be serious here, I'm fucking horrible, yet I would rape some kids with heirlooms. Case in point: Watching Rhade in the battle server. Pretty sure he isn't rolling in gen-16 looms.

Second of all, were they not nerfed heavily with this patch? Damage, whatever else got fucking buffed with looming, pretty sure it all got lowered. They were also indirectly nerfed with double-slots and upkeep increases. Maybe not by a lot, but this stuff adds up.

2.)Rewarding those who play more.
Was trying to cut rewards to those who play more a serious reason? You do know that's at the heart of every MMO, even more so for every MMORPG, yes? Better yet, it's at the heart of every game. As someone who was still riding that grind pony to his first retirement, I had no problems with the next guy being gen 10. Gen 12. Gen 16. And seeing them retire every 2-3 days. In fact, that drove me to play more. I wanted that. Fuck the heirlooms. I wanted to be able to experiment with builds, try hybrids, try cavalry, try archery. That has been robbed from every low gen player right now. For myself, it is no longer a possibility.

The change in XP simply decreases the possibilities of fun, and widens the gap between the rich and Poor Richard.

I did not get raped because the guy had looms, I got raped because he's better.

I did not get raped because he can retire faster, I got raped because he's better.

In an RPG, you have to have something to build towards, to strive after. With these changes, I have a better shot at this in a Korean MMO. I'm pretty sure that's not the direction this game wants to be taking.

EDIT: Fixed my Engrish.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2011, 12:29:31 am by hammypants »

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Man you just said every single thing I think! +1!