Don't lock my threads if you aren't going to do an honest job of being impartial, so on that note:
Sorry Erzengel but I do NOT consider myself warned: "Accidentally" riding into me because he thinks I kickpolled him (wasn't me) so I swing my throwing weapon and kill him: one swing, him and horse, both dead: Was an accident, as a I wrote: he keeps trying to ride me down and he ate a swing, I didn't want to kill him but there he goes.
Now read: Leonce was kicked BY ENTIRE server for breaking rules, he then came back and tried to victimize me cause of his butthurt, and he died for it, and then he rejoined.
Ban him or don't, I couldn't give less fucks, but no, you dont warn me you jumped up shit. He broke rules and was poll kicked for it, then poll banned for it, and then he cried, I did no wrong there, so once again:
No, I don't consider myself warned. You consider yourself warned if it makes you happy.