You never left on good terms, You told us you were taking what was yours and that we would have to attack you to get it back, You then followed by taunting us saying you would join FCC and fight for them every time if we came after you. Peppo and I.. and most of the Hospitaller for that matter can admit Dev is not great with people skills, Hell even Dev will admit that, But you went about this all wrong. You can not say you were going to drop off everything at one sungetche that was near a faction that you promised an army to, mean while you could have dropped it off at tulbuk which you were right beside. We are not mad, we may be disappointed in your actions but that's it. We offered you a great deal, all we wanted was 500 troops back but you demanded 200k.. I even offered you money from Tulga which I own with out the others knowing just to see if we could work things out but you were set in your ways and were high tailing it out of the steppe. We already have confirmation from numerous clans that you were offering armies, and even threatening to attack other factions if they did not hand over villages to you with threats of massive armies attacking, So you obviously had this all planed out.
Regardless its all over with, You will be attacked as you did not want to work with us what so ever, You admitted to me your doing this because Dev pissed you off, and didn't care about anything else. You said you were leaving the clan and then tried rushing out of our land with everything Dev gave you.. Spin in how ever you like, I think its obvious to most what happened here.