Hospitaller has been fighting pretty hard for like 4 months now first against HP, then NH/VE then FCC/Remnant
They attacked Hero Party, but hero Party never invaded their lands or did anything to them other than beat the invading armies. TKOV/NH invaded and took a few villages and a castle and Hospitallers lost several thousand troops before peace was declared. We didn't invade Hosp lands for well over a month after that as we first dealt with KUTT and then delayed for a while to rebuild from that war. They had over a month and a half to rebuild to our 3 weeks where they didn't have a single battle and we lost troops supporting our liege lord Partyboy. Not our fault they were too unorganized to rebuild as quickly as we did (though they still had plenty of plate mail and almost 20K troops when we invaded so not really unprepared).
We didn't even do that much since they mostly just turtled up in their castles while we stole millions of gold worth of S&D from them, no point in attacking someone when over half their fief owners have their night-times setting pushing any prime-time battle into 3-6 am EST (makes the game boring to stop fun fights by not changing nighttime settings after repeatedly being told about how they are blocking all prime-time battles). The remnant attacks suffered from that nighttime problem along with us so most of their fiefs were never even attacked and very few big battles not at 6 am where they could always field half again as many mercs as remnant or us.
P.S. FCC has been fighting pretty hard for 4 months straight with only a 3 week break. it might get unnoticed because its our normal modus operandi and we tend to be the aggressors rather than the defenders (which by the way with the respawn timer setup is far more taxing and costs far more than being a defender).
P.S.S. There is no reason to put KUTT down at this point, the war is long over and they really haven't done anything deserving of ridicule.