I find it absolutely sad that so many people think in such a dichotomy. Their thought process goes like this:
"If you say words that most people think are racist, you are racist. If you do not, you are not racist."
In real life, I call my black friends friends as a joke, and they call me white devil and cracker as a joke. I think that we're closer because of this. Do I go around Atlanta screaming racial epithets to all? No, I'd be quite dead if I did. I'm not goddamn stupid.
I'm seriously a little perplexed here. I think that anything should be able to be said in chat. I think this because it's far easier, and induces more character development and growth to have the "offendee" take proactive measures to either understand that words do not have universal inherent meaning. Words only have as much meaning as YOU give them. If I were to simply utter the word "spic" in chat in NA1, of course that'd be silly. I'd just be trying to cause a ruckus. However, since there was no context with the word, it could mean ANYTHING.
Now, if I were to say "black people are fucking disgusting subhuman primates that should be exterminated", THAT is an absolutely repugnant opinion. Realities of statistics aside, just about everyone can understand that it's absolutely unfair to judge someone because of a trait that they were born with.
I attempted to PM smoothrich to talk about this point. Smoothrich, I was serious about that. I wasn't PMing you to troll you or some shit. I really do enjoy talking about this subject with people; given they can avoid simply shouting "UR A RACIST". As it turns out, that's VERY difficult for some people. They've just got an obligation to be automatically and drastically offended on behalf of an ethnic group that they are very unlikely to be a part of. If I were posting contextually bigoted remarks, it would be different. A single word means nothing without context.
You're also making the mistake of lumping me in with FCC. Don't think that we're some shitty FCC vassals. We've got our own business. Only reason we're really on their side is because they helped out when YOU (I'm aware "lol hero party does their own thing") attacked our caravan and we weren't willing to let that go. Perhaps you should have held your folks on a shorter leash if you didn't want multiple foes. Btw, come the fuck at rindyar already, you yellow-bellied zero party scum.