you see guys, i started here as somebody who expected autoblock on multiplayer servers. i couldnt block for shit and tried cavalry and multiple other classes. as cavalry player i was extremely bad and when dismounted i only had a short spear to defend myself. It was extremely hard but in the end i could block some hits. At some point I couldnt take it anymore and went back to native multiplayer, i found myself a god there. it was super easy. I played various builds and got to know the long awlpike, i decided to make a skip the fun in crpg. It was not the same, it was way harder but i tried and i kept trying.
I looked at other players and observed their playstyle, i didnt observe friendly pikemen, but i looked at the enemy and tried to find weak spots in his defence, now im atleast an average long awlpiker, but im still learning all the time. at some point i also bought the long spear and tried it, again i had to adapt and find different weak spots in the enemies defence. I make a jump from time to time, but im not an excessive long spear frog. i even have had compliments for my stuck-to-the-ground playstyle in-game.
Now i recently bought a mw pike too and im still trying to find the right playstyle with it, but it will come soon and i will be able to tell that i can play 3 different playstyles, as those 3 pikes are totally different from eachother.
People are always bitching about some things pikers HAVE to do in order to be able to play their class, those are things like curve stabbing and jumping. There is alot of things that are just totally unrealistic and stupid about pikes that fuck up the playability of this class. one of these things is the fact that only stabbing works as an attack (you can just downblock and walk into a piker). People always think pikers are an easy target, but they are wrong. when i fight somebody, it is because i think i can win it from him or because i have to. when 3 people attack a piker and they are too stupid to adapt to the situation that they are facing a piker that knows what is behind his back, they shouldnt start crying when they all die.
As piker, one of the things that gives you the most kills is the fact that people try to hit you in the back with their block all open and their attack ready. you just have to turn around and stab. If some people dont want to learn to counter a pike, i think its not time yet to start nerfing. give pikes a buff first before you touch it. at the moment its just too stupid how one downblock can block a thousand (also 2H) stabs. And when i say, you can just break a formation of pikes by downblocking that is true, the fact that people die to it, is because they are too stupid to charge them alone.