The following suggestions i hope will be considered.
These things mentioned afterwards, often induce stomach pain, which is no fun at all. I hope this can be implemented or balanced differently as it is now.
increase HP of
- siege towers by 1/3 (it is rediculous, that the defenders ladder onto those towers and then they are just destroyed in no time, Siege Towers atm are complettly useless!! exception if they are used as Archer outposts ^^ as that was always their main task back in medival time^^)
- Ladders by 1/5
- Forward Spawn by 1/2
- Weapons Rag by *3 or more (if these things are shot by 2-3 arrows this is just unplayable at times or do i really always need to have 2-3 shielders who just camp the weapons rag and bore the hell out of those dudes?)
Build restrictions
- separate the maximum to be build limits of attackers and defenders, especially with weapons rags this is just awful
- increase limit for Weapons Rags to 7(for defenders and attackers each 7) and Siege Shields to 14(also defenders as attackers each 10), whereby i think if there would be a difference in attackers and defenders limits, i think the attacker should gain a small advantage to their limits so the game dynamic is not too much interrupted when positions are changed.
There are still the bugs, which show material/sites but they are not anymore in the equipment pool.
Also the bug with huge amount of different throwing stuff, which then makes the sites unchosable(Weapon Smith upgrade for old gear or sell the leftovers for a higher % as it is now[lower equipment loot then perhaps]).
Ladder physics, if a ladder is put onto an object, the larger end of that ladder on the angel point should drop down, you know like in reality.
Walls should stay in their state they had at the end of a battle if not invested heavily in terms of gold and/or Production Points.