Interesting... Initially I lost my Masterwork Langes Messer but with the first DB Rollback, I got it back(according to the equipment screen at and now just a few hours later it's missing again.
After the first DB rollback it's now apparent that xp capping at 1450 is intended. This makes me rather sad considering how much time I put into the game. It's not even the masterworks that concern me, I was talking to multiple people about this who agree. It's simply the loss of the ability to be a 2her one day, then three/four days later I could be polearm or cav specced. I'd give away 90% of my looms to keep my ability to do this. The current level speed is just atrocious, especially after having played as much as I have to reach gen 25 where I was able to essentially be a completely different character every week, but still use "Tydeus" the entire time. Sure you can say "Just retire early" but essentially I've just wasted all of my time playing if I do that. From what I can tell, balance appears to be working better, meaning everyone's average multipliers are going to be lower, this just adds to the problem of leveling slow.