Yeah, Masasa tends to do this quite often. When he is against me on some village map, i just try to wait for him to arrive and try to kill him. Mostly i fail, but sometimes not. It is not plainly against the rules, but really, argumenting with shit like: get a non-wooden pc is not cool. Not like everyone has the same possibilities of HW equipment, or its affordability, or anything.
Even i ocassionaly stutter/lag few seconds after i spawn, i guess its due to the game loading other player positions and whatnot, before it settles, doesnt happen all the time, but quite often, especially on higher population times (and yes, textures on demand ticked off). It is really annoying to get killed 2-3 second after you spawn.
The problem is, this situation cannot be prevented much without some other teammember intervening. 5 sec invincibility after spawn, meh, only if you are not allowed to kill anyone in that time, either its quite bad.
One solution could fix this: increaase round time for 6:15, let the 15 seconds to spawn guys, do not allow them to move, and on 6:00 marker allow movement. This way you got 15sec to somewhat load what you need and stick with your pals. Not to speak that if you spawn later, you might have better chance to catch up on your friends.
Still, this type of gameplay is lame, but even more lame is flexing about it in chat and teasing people you kill. Not only you take away one round of game from them, you even mock them afterwards. If you were my friend, if i knew you from TS or anything, i would not care, but trolling people you do not know with this is just...bleh. (if you got some awesome kill, go ahead, but not after latespawnrape)