Is it really not possible to get a decent melee archer hybrid build? Going like 15 21 and putting almost everything in archery then some leftovers in melee wpf? I would probably go for something like that, 150 wpf should be enough. Probably wont be pinpoint accurate but it will allow for some decent melee capabilities with like a horn bow and a mace, or a longbow.. Cant really get the best out of both worlds but id say loosing some accuracy is worth it, 5ps mace can be deadly especially with high athl light armour.
Ps. for the ranged whiners; get a shield
you are either ranged or you carry a shield, thats the first thing i consider when i make a new build because walking into battle without a shield is like begging to get shot. Its just a few skillpoints and some weight, but totally worth it. May mess up the minmax duelbuilds but those people can go play siege.
from my experience :
for horn bow u need a minimum of 150 archery
for rus bow u need a minimum of 160 archery
i rly dont recomand longbow if u want play hybrid coz it's rly rly to slow
4 ps is a minimum too and allow you to do enough damage
i was lvl 35 (240 million xp) then i finish by respec for an hybrid build (thx bagge)
and i fucking love my new build i have a pure archer build and i'm close to a 2hander build
it's funny to see cavs run away from me when i take the 2h
or when i run after shielders who persecuted me since so many years !!!
now i can rly defend my self i just have to train my melee skills
I don't even know what you archers want.
You're still dominating Eu1, have a look at bagge, Shokoshugi or Blackbow. I still don't dare to hunt them, because I know I'm not gonna be the guy who wins that duel.
You guys still kite like freaks and do many headshots, so why would you want an already good class better?
If ranged gets buffed everyone's gonna grab a bow, even those who are actually crap at shooting.
I've tried archery on my alt (Castillo) many times and it's perfectly fine and balanced in my opinion.
to make simple i want :
a damage nerf of archers something like -20%
arrows are buged (ghost arrows) so i want they fix that and the only way is to increasse missile speed
and decrease a bit the huge weight of quivers (it's rly rly to heavy especialy for an archer low lvl and it's fucking hard to lvl up archer before lvl 25)
i can only agree with you all ... there is to many range atm but if there is less range you will have more op cavs i think...
imo range got nerfed in wrong way and it changed nothing there is still lot of range ... devs nerfed everything on last patch exept damage they increased damage to compensate i guess ... wrong solution imo