Jesus Christ, Desire. Can't you read the server rules? It says ADMINS CANT BE HORSE ARCHERS.
Yeah what kind of baby would log off at 1AM on a weekday night? Stay up till 3AM you little puss!!!
I logged off at around 12:30AM PST. Most people started leaving around 2nd-3rd map which was probably around 11:00-12:00 PST.
And I'm pretty sure most of you don't have a professional job so weekdays could be someones weekend.
AND it seems like you don't get the point of the post. If you read the post you'll see that i'm complaining about their "coordination"(HA with 2 Cav Lancers working together is OP abusing to me) . If Desire was alone using a HA, I wouldn't give one fuck and wouldn't be "complaining", but the way Krea and Desire used these builds was completely unfair and abusive.
I personally don't want to see HA's or Cav being nerfed but there has to be some kind of limitation to where each team has a certain amount of cav or ha allowed on the battlefield.