Author Topic: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses  (Read 5855 times)

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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #75 on: January 04, 2013, 03:51:32 am »
Warhorses aren't good enough to warrant an 8 riding requirement. Destrier is arguably the best horse in the game and could have its requirement upped to 6 at least.

The Destrier is very good but the heavier horses are just flat out better. The warhorse especially is probably the most cost effective out of all the horses regarding how it will improve your KDR.

Consequently the arabian is by far the worst of all the "expensive" horses because it dies so fast to ranged, and if you want to play cavalry at all effectively for your team you should be going for archers and bumping groups of enemies not just going for solo people alone which is where the arabian excels.
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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #76 on: January 04, 2013, 03:53:44 am »
realtalk if you don't get atleast an 8:1~ KDR as heavy cavalry please don't talk about heavy cav balance in this thread thanks in advance.
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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #77 on: January 04, 2013, 03:54:11 am »
and while on that note if you don't get atleast 5:1 kdr as any other type of cavalry, again don't try talk about cav balance thx.
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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #78 on: January 04, 2013, 04:16:17 am »
realtalk if you don't get atleast an 8:1~ KDR as heavy cavalry please don't talk about heavy cav balance in this thread thanks in advance.
You're one of very few people who have a KDR that high as heavy cav. You're an expert at playing cav.

While I agree that something needs to be changed with cavalry, I do not believe it has to deal with the riding requirements of cavalry.
I personally believe there needs to be a change to maneuver. Higher top speed (slightly), but much lower maneuver. So cav have to commit more to going certain ways. Cav will be more balanced that way.
I proposed changes before, people liked them but they've been glossed over in time.
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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #79 on: January 04, 2013, 08:09:39 am »
You're one of very few people who have a KDR that high as heavy cav. You're an expert at playing cav.

While I agree that something needs to be changed with cavalry, I do not believe it has to deal with the riding requirements of cavalry.
I personally believe there needs to be a change to maneuver. Higher top speed (slightly), but much lower maneuver. So cav have to commit more to going certain ways. Cav will be more balanced that way.
I proposed changes before, people liked them but they've been glossed over in time.
Lowering the max skill level of cav even further and making there be even less difference between the good and the shit cav sounds like a great idea! 1+
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #80 on: January 04, 2013, 09:27:12 am »
Lowering the max skill level of cav even further and making there be even less difference between the good and the shit cav sounds like a great idea! 1+
My suggestion does the exact opposite. It makes bad cav worse and good cav just as good if they think a tad a head, which good cav do.
I couldn't care to go find my entirely-written up suggestion, it was posted so long ago who knows where.
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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #81 on: January 04, 2013, 05:25:41 pm »
Riding requirements were moved around when it was the rage against the Arabian (most high level cav could still ride them anyway). I honestly don't think riding requirements are an adequate balancing tool in all reality. I also don't approve of killing hybrids. If anything I'd love to see the hybrids of old before the slot system. Added a rather nice element to builds and led to my very first fucked up HA/Lancer build. Killing that kind of character building was a mistake I think.

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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #82 on: January 04, 2013, 05:39:35 pm »
The Destrier is very good but the heavier horses are just flat out better. The warhorse especially is probably the most cost effective out of all the horses regarding how it will improve your KDR.

Statwise I would pick a war horse or a large warhorse any day of the week, but after experimenting with different horses and riding points, I found destrier to be the best horse myself. I've tried large warhorse, war horse, mamluk horse, destrier, arabian, courser and rouncey all at +3, awith 5, 6, 7 and 10 riding and the destrier just feels like the best horse. Great bump damage, good speed, good at tanking, good maneuver. It's got pretty much everything.

Consequently the arabian is by far the worst of all the "expensive" horses because it dies so fast to ranged, and if you want to play cavalry at all effectively for your team you should be going for archers and bumping groups of enemies not just going for solo people alone which is where the arabian excels.

Well, if that's your view of things, then I would say that the courser is even worse. Arabian is made out of paper, true, but the high maneuver makes bumping enemies without being close to your teammates quite easy, at least compared to more heavier horses which is easy for the enemies to dodge. Makes the horse decent at supporting, even though it's fragile.
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #83 on: January 04, 2013, 05:52:00 pm »
buff war horse

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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #84 on: January 05, 2013, 10:35:35 am »
Stop nerfing  cav in every large patches  :evil:


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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #85 on: January 05, 2013, 11:46:07 am »
Increase the riding skill req`s, but give a buff to horses.
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Give some horses more HP, because seeing as they can be 1 shooted, or 1 hit makes some of them useless.

I dont use horses, and I wont, Im just killing them to easily, the unarmored ones.
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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #86 on: January 05, 2013, 03:39:54 pm »
I think cav is too nerfed. I suggest to make angle of lancing like in native. Stats of MW horses are balanced (expect Palfrey I think they should increase hp and speed and body armor), BUT the upkeep of horses should be increased that horses may be used only by reach people like IRL(medieval)
And Buff heavy lance pls
P.S. I'm 1h
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 04:02:45 pm by Quentry »

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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #87 on: January 05, 2013, 05:22:13 pm »
I think cav is too nerfed. I suggest to make angle of lancing like in native. Stats of MW horses are balanced (expect Palfrey I think they should increase hp and speed and body armor), BUT the upkeep of horses should be increased that horses may be used only by reach people like IRL(medieval)
And Buff heavy lance pls
P.S. I'm 1h

I agree about the palfrey that horse is just a very poor choice compared to the rouncey atm :-/ however increasing the upkeep of horses? Funny how I have to spend 3 days on siege to play one day on battle as cav before I'm broke. I'm not into selling looms or trading and I don't make a lot of gold and I do not wear heavy armor yet I hardly brake even as cav so only people who sell all their looms and have millions of gold sitting around can play as cav?

Summary: only rich 2 handers can make a cav alt because they have millions sitting around but the skilled cav or new players are not allowed to play cav because they can't afford it because they don't play enough to have stacked a lot of gold?

No thanks.
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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #88 on: January 05, 2013, 07:17:24 pm »
My suggestion does the exact opposite. It makes bad cav worse and good cav just as good if they think a tad a head, which good cav do.
I couldn't care to go find my entirely-written up suggestion, it was posted so long ago who knows where.

I 100% agree with zlisch about this. Low maneuver = less freedom. Even with perfect "planning", you won't do anything if you can't turn. Worse yet, the less maneuver you have, the less your fate actually depends on you. "Planning" as cav in M&B is more often than not similar to throwing a dice. Will that guy turn around and insta poke me with his pike ? With low maneuver, if he does I can't avoid it. Will that archer sidestep at the last second ? Same. Things don't depend on what you think, things happen. Now you could say that I should not try those actions when there is a risk. In that case I would very soon find myself doing nothing at all, because everything is risky. Skill resides where you can take risky actions, but good experience with the game and good control of your horse allows you to save your life. The equivalent of this with low maneuver is "you were unlucky, someone saw you and jumpslashed you". Cav is much much more than a text based RPG, yet what you suggest is exactly trying to reduce it to that. A good cav will take advantage of high maneuver, a bad cav will not. Skill should give you the opportunity to be more reckless (just like with melee and ranged classes).

Btw I should really assess the cav awareness of NA players one day.

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Re: Increase Riding Requirements for most Horses
« Reply #89 on: January 05, 2013, 07:44:35 pm »
I think cav is too nerfed. I suggest to make angle of lancing like in native. Stats of MW horses are balanced (expect Palfrey I think they should increase hp and speed and body armor), BUT the upkeep of horses should be increased that horses may be used only by reach people like IRL(medieval)
And Buff heavy lance pls
P.S. I'm 1h

you have a point about having very few but strong cav,  however it shouldnt be balanced by gold,  Id rather see it balanced by some random fair factor.  like getting some tick for every minute you play and use those ticks as cav,  so anyone can have a strict amount of time playing in the saddle,  something like 1 in five maps or so.  would suck for random players again though cause they could only play once every few days as cav,  so meh.  fuck this.
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