Riding reqs should have been upped for a long time now. Idk if 8 for the heavy horses is a good thing, i would to see all but 1-2 at 6 and have a few getted buffed stats n moved to 7. The courser/destrier should be 7.
I have a pretty unique perspective because of my build and my brother habbs. When we are both in the server, we always post KDs and valour farming scores despite our major build differences.
My build more or less represents the current system of a high lvl player who gets many cav kills and still is perfectly able to do fine on the ground. At 34 i have 6ps/if snd 7ath/riding. But even at 30 i had a complete 18-18 build.
But my brother Habb is a dedicated cataphract lancer with 0 if/ath and he just got 5ps at 33. He has 9 riding and 9wm with over 170 polearm wpf. Even with the heavy lance nerf he can 1shot a mail armor guy going full speed. Hes useless on the ground, but if he keeps his horse alive he scores just as well as any hybrid cav. If this WPF weapon master rework is any help to agi builds at all, his build is gona even more effective as well
I like the suggestion because it will nerf the hybrid cav who crutch off the good horses, but its still viable to do a full lancer build and be just as good.
I always thought a true hybrid cav should be forced to be a high level. Meaning they need lots of gold for upkeep and everyone knows they must be lvl 33 or 34 with lots of wealth,Crpg knights.
Also @ smoothriches posts
I would love a all good polearms and greatswords to be 3 slots inc lances. However giving the horse 1 invetory slot would go really well with this. So no more lance and long hafted spiked mace or great sword, but lance/shield/1h is still possible and this is a nice buff to HA. Yet, the added slot is a forced 1 slot item so you cant have a longsword for your backup as a lancer. When the horse goes down, the item it had gets dropped.