I want ask Why the fu** pawlo was banned in the middle of battle
where in "rules" is something like "you will banned if you select
your spawn point in opponent spawn point" pls show me this
i think if you let him select his spown in your spawn point is yours fault, he needed few seconds to do this. You are noobs if you let him do this
Mustiki which genius make you admin ??!! why you use your power to fuck us maybe because " I can do this because i am admin i always have Rightness" BULSHIT
next time if you have any "good idea" pls put this idea to your ass.... (sorry for hate)
I demand to delete this guy form admins list, i think nobody (from admins) can use his power to help his fraction
of course maybe I am wrong and admins can do what they want
Btw as I remember sky ladder is forbidden, so pls explain me this
http://i50.tinypic.com/2e5mgcy.jpghttp://i45.tinypic.com/15d5tuo.jpghttp://i49.tinypic.com/4tabgo.jpgand of course dont forget about catapult in the wall
SO (on the end) pawlo get ban for nothing (sorry for admin humor) and mercs who make sky ladder is innocent. OK