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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #30 on: December 18, 2012, 11:47:26 am »
You complain that Pawlo was banned mid game, for what? obvious cheating. Of course you're not allowed to use the enemys spawn, that's just common sense...
I saw a lot of times then one side was stealing  c.materials from enemy's stack of materials to build something.
There was a lot of times then one side used enemy's rack to put\take an equipment.
So why is it so bad to use enemy's spawn point? Perhaps if spawn points had more HP, we could see more spawncapturing :)

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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #31 on: December 18, 2012, 12:49:28 pm »
I saw a lot of times then one side was stealing  c.materials from enemy's stack of materials to build something.
There was a lot of times then one side used enemy's rack to put\take an equipment.
So why is it so bad to use enemy's spawn point? Perhaps if spawn points had more HP, we could see more spawncapturing :)

Abit off topic but respawning from enemy spawn sounds like reborning from vagina of enemy's mom. Then it gets all abstract like, you spent your life time with that little bugger and never realized he is a bit different like "enemy" he was saying things like -fuck you fuck your army you whiny bitch and one thought like -what a fine gentleman I have to join the same army with him!
then you go to a war where ladders defy laws of physics then a god comes and forbids you to exist (ban) for a week or two....

Oh yeah computer games....Well lets return to topic I think "Capture The Spawn" is already an option in many games, why not in Strategus.

Absurd ladders, construction sites on spawns = No
Spawn Capturing = Hell yeah

In fact, I don't care, but during today's siege, representative of administration (of course Mercs) banned our player (for a few days - why not - he can) because our player selected enemy spawnpoint.

You are so paranoid about us, was it Muffin who banned that player? (I don't know) To be honest Muff, me and Tyr muted ourselves in this battle. Because we simply didn't care that much. I'm telling one last time. Not our battle, Not our castle, Not our troops or gear. But you must also accept the fact that there are some weird things are happening, caused by Grey members concerning spawn points lately.
How about you tell your members to not mess with the spawn points in general except capturing them and nobody will have a reason to whine about anything. Look at the argument you are having :

Mercs are getting Greys banned (completely paranoiac for my opinion) and why?
Greys are placing weird ladders, Greys are placing cs on spawns, Greys are using enemy spawn etc.

Excuse? rules are not clear.

Just play the game and don't give a reason to ANYONE to whine about something I think this would be less time consuming then writing pages of stuff on forum.
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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #32 on: December 18, 2012, 02:18:08 pm »
so haboe??? where you have any sky ladder ?? every ladder is on the ground.... hm maybe i am blind
physics, only ninjas can avoid it

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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #33 on: December 18, 2012, 02:28:37 pm »
About the ladders - I do agree that it make no sense to have the ladders standing in the air. Something to be fixed in game mechanics; I call it a bug.

About choosing the spawn point of the enemy - Who said it is forbidden? It is a perfectly correct behavior IMHO, and allowed in the game. Show me the rule that forbids such things. No such rule? No any rule about Strat in fact? Apart form few obvious exploits in Meow's (if I recall correctly) thread including "common sense" general clause that depend on the current feelings of an admin? The common sense tells rather "if you are able to take the spawn of the enemy - it is yours, you can do whatever you want with it: drop it, use it or ignore it", rather than "if you are able to take the spawn of the enemy you have to drop it otherwise you will be banned".

Well... lack of clear rules seems to be an issue again, doesn't  it?

Just play the game and don't give a reason to ANYONE to whine about something I think this would be less time consuming then writing pages of stuff on forum.

The same applies to you. Just let people play and ask your teammates to keep bans for the real culprits of real offenses, not imaginary ones. And noone asks you to spend your precious time to write anything here.  Don't bother to comment.

NB - such situations clearly show the reason why we have taken our decision.
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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2012, 02:37:13 pm »
The same applies to you. Just let people play and ask your teammates to keep bans for the real culprits of real offenses, not imaginary ones. And noone asks you to spend your precious time to write anything here.  Don't bother to comment.

NB - such situations clearly show the reason why we have taken our decision.

Sigh...I'm trying to help your members to understand the system and word "Merc" is mentioned total 45 times together with this post. You can perfectly find the admin who banned this player. Could you please contradicting your own members and actually help them? please.
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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #35 on: December 18, 2012, 02:38:24 pm »
"solid ground" what this mean ??
walls and roof is not solid ? so try hit the wall form head, maybe after this you will get some brain in our head

btw this half of "sky ladder" is neverending story because everybody know you will not get ban because you are mercs coalition and wolves so pls end this topic

But if Mercs grace me to read my post pls explain me this first half of topic because this "admin" is mercs memeber

Don't you understand that the first SS Haboe posted are all Grey's ladders? I count 5 on this picture alone.
And as Nocti pointed out, the skyladders by the Wolves only became skyladders due to movement of the siege tower, which was moved by greys and wolves. but those ladders where never used as sky-ladders per se.
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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #36 on: December 18, 2012, 03:11:05 pm »
I think as a last post I should explain why I think this is wrong :

(click to show/hide)

As you can see in the picture some ladders are giving advantage to defending team ranged units to shoot the enemy at the walls. Basically enemy has no place to hide lets say it like this, players no longer use the map advantages. So the castle becomes only an obstacle to stop the enemy from destroying the defender ladders which were used for an unfair advantage.

It would be as wrong as, attacking team builds a sky ladder tower higher than the castle itself to shoot into defending spawns at the courtyard and defending team can longer take the advantage of the castle.

That's simply why its wrong. But I do agree that rules have to be clear about this and game mechanics should not allow such situations.

What is common sense then?

Common sense is simply saying : ok I'm using an unfair situation here, they are sitting ducks out there while I can machine gun them into pieces. I shouldn't do that.

This is common sense.

I hope I made it clear, cheers. Yet please ask it to admins.

I should also add this :

If there is a floating ladder in the sky and if there is a player on it, who cannot be shot or simply killed : That's also forbidden which falls into the topic of "unreachable places" it should not be allowed. It could be considered as "delaying"

Common sense example for the situation, in one battle which I won't name the clans : the defending last player have reached the unreachable keep. Then covered himself with siege shields on all sides and waited there for about 20 minutes where he couldn't be shot. While enemy team lost tickets by falling down while trying to teach that keep. Defending player was destroying the reaching ladders.

I believe this player was also banned for a week or two for : lacking common sense.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 03:18:12 pm by Noctivagant »
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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #37 on: December 18, 2012, 05:15:45 pm »
Hello UIF, how does the neverending conspiracy against you feel from up there?]

Not just UIF members, your whole roster used and gained advantage from this haha. But hey, you know, Mercs are cheaters and coldhearted evil people.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 05:21:12 pm by Pejlaen »
skilled individuals, putting them together can create a very deadly and effective team.

The bow, it represents, that a skilled archer can pick a mighty man at arms off from a distance.

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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2012, 05:34:56 pm »
ooooh i am idiot

With your attitude, language (Not referring to your English), blindly thrown accusations and from the overall contents of your posts... Sorry, but ye you are abit.
skilled individuals, putting them together can create a very deadly and effective team.

The bow, it represents, that a skilled archer can pick a mighty man at arms off from a distance.

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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2012, 05:35:09 pm »
I have my respect to Kinngrimm. Everybody makes mistakes (except Mercs, of course, they are innocent and holy, as usual). So I don't think that the ladders were so horrible problem as some players counts (Mercs started to whine about it, so some Greys had to continue that).
No complaint to Wolves. May be only one, the attack was too late (Not only because of you, but also Rus-Government-Dicks who kept Summer time in Winter). Please, attack a little earlier. Don't be Mercs. Let me play as well. Please :)

And to all in so called Anti-UIF.
Banning player from Defenders team by absolutely imaged reason - you are SOOOO pathetic. Keep on insulting on Forum and complain about GO and Druzhina cheaters - the only and the best thing you can.
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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #40 on: December 18, 2012, 05:43:33 pm »
Please, attack a little earlier. Don't be Mercs.

Serious? Looking at the most recent battles and beyond, that i've participated in for the Apostates, have all been at a reasonable time...

you are SOOOO pathetic.

You know what's pathetic, going through an entire thread and either minusing or plusing every post based on the person that made the post. I doubt that you actually read any of them...
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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #41 on: December 18, 2012, 05:54:09 pm »
Naduril and Erasmas aka auto -1 squad. Naduril for -1'ing me for suggesting orthodox christmas break and Erasmas for -1'in me for explaining the rules to his clan members with a civil language : you guys are brilliant. I think Naduril minused me for agreeing with Segd for once.

Lets leave this topic Mercs enough is enough. They are trying to turn it into Merc=Anti UIF=But they cheat toooooo thread.
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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #42 on: December 18, 2012, 07:07:03 pm »
Wow this thread actually stayed on topic for 2 pages, congrats. I didnt ban anyone, I think there were a few admins online so I am unsure who did it. Im pretty sure it is under the rules of common sense, as chadz cannot be ingame constantly making new rules about these things. This creates ALOT of grey areas in what is disallowed via the common sense rule. Whilst I would perhaps have given a warning first if it were me, an admins job is not easy and someone will always hate you; no matter the decision. So I would say the ban is legitimate, albeit a slight overeaction, and it is a problem that cannot be solved unless there is a clear set of rules set up on this matter.

Believe it or not there is very little communication between the devs and the admins; I could create a set of strat rules for you guys but noone would technically have to adhere to them, as I do not have the status required to legitimise their enforcement.
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Cymro: Wife beater stella
Lizard_Man: It'll get ya drunk! You'll be fucking fat girls in no time! You might even fight a nigga or two! Mmmm-mmm, bitch!

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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #43 on: December 18, 2012, 07:14:48 pm »
I could create a set of strat rules for you guys but noone would technically have to adhere to them, as I do not have the status required to legitimise their enforcement.

Im already working on this. Pm'ed the great donkeylord and his crew about it, now waiting for a response.
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Re: Ridicules
« Reply #44 on: December 18, 2012, 07:47:47 pm »
...Please, attack a little earlier....
i will try to get our attacks to be done in between 20:00 and 22:00 gmt+1(this is prime time of most of our members).
My sleep rythem is already totally fucked up because of many unusal battle times we already needed to fight, so i feel your pain.
In this case MegaRambo the army leader, had activated the day before quickmarch for no reason and it came just active again so we still could do it in a fair enough time for "our" players and i really didn't want to wait yet another day.
We initally aimed for 20:00 gmt+1 as we did with all of our 4-7 battles before that.

This castle is quite annoying to take, foremost out of my reasoning because of the skyladders which denies the attackers to place Weapons Rags or Forward Spawns close to the wall. In the first attack we lost 7 Weapons Rags in the second one over 10 weapons rags because of the firing arc of those sky ladders. Forward Spawns, C-sites all got shot or because it was put too close to the walls it just didn't appear.  As there is no clear ruling on it i don't argue over those ladders, just stating the fact that they make it close to impossible to either build stuff close to the walls or just stand there to wait for the next ladder to be put in place.
Again as there is no clear ruling on this you wont get a tough time from me onto the ladders. The ban of the player i first get to know about through this forum entry and i asked later admins about it and there was also no clear position yet from what i have seen, so the ban also may be seen too harsh, at least out of my perspective.

The graphic of RXN pretty much sums it up and Nocti had some valid points though. And yes mercs(47?), it was a Wolves battle, everyone got that point from the start i believe.

As you witnessed in the 3rd attack we did a little better(not counting in those unused tickets *sigh*) but still :) some other tactics will be needed.

And to all in so called Anti-UIF.
I always refer to us as the Eastern-Block and the Western Block on the other side.  In my opinion it has a nicer tone to.
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