I have a few minutes to kill, time to amuse myself...
He was an early 20th century Englishman. You don't think he had a Eurocentric worldview, reflected heavily in his work?
Ah, lovely way to stereotype someone just because of a background and using said background as a negative connotation. I commend you for your imagination.
The subject matter speaks for itself.
Hmm, really?
Heroic white race of men.
Heroic race as in every race in the book had some degree of corruption and was hardly infallible, and every human race had a very long history of idiots or evil men, and every race making terrible mistakes in some point in history? Oh, as in every race proving that it can fall susceptible to the Ring which symbolizes evil and temptation? Ah, how heroic that the least fallible of all the cultures were the Hobbits, of all people, and even then they have proven themselves hardly infallible and hardly heroic as a race due to falling susceptible to murder and such things (Such as the origins of Gollum).
Brown "eastern" people corrupt by evil with no culture that are faceless enemies.
Oh, so here we have you saying he had too much detail, and then now are blasting him on not giving enough detail to a mere minor plot device. I can't really support this notion because they are "faceless enemies" as simple as that is, and are hardly different from the corrupted and evil "white men" cultures mentioned in the books that tore themselves apart (Like the origin of the crypt wraiths?).
Why should we pay attention to the faceless "evil" brown people and yet ignore the faceless "evil" white people? They are both minor plot points that hardly deserve more description then they already had.
Black people are literally subhuman savages created as a slave race to serve their masters.
You mean inhuman monsters that only have one common attribute with black people, and that is the color of their skin? You mean the man-made demons? Oh, I see, so since they have literally only one thing in common, then they must be direct analogies to black people. So you're saying that if a culture/race in fiction is depicted as primitive, then it must mean black people? Oh... Oh my...
I eagerly await you usual imaginative and colorful responses.