I was looking at signing up until I saw "1 x ranged (archer or xbow > only Pickaxe as melee weapon)".
Not a fan of that one.
Edit: After Teut explained his reasoning behind this rule, it makes a lot of sense and I agree with what he has said. (He said he would post clarifying his reasoning so I'll let him do that!)
and here it is...
i included that rule to forestall hybrids...imagine a STF, who only have 3pd a short bow but using a great.sword or so ;) than it wouldnt be fair and you would have two 2.handers on the battlefield and the idea was to have each class only 1 time ;)
in my idea of that tournament a archer/xbow should shoot people more than using a melee weapon ;)
(anyway i will think about to allow some other 1h or 2h weapons as well)
Put raw equipment restrictions instead of "class" ones.
It really limits some people.
if i got your point right > it would be possible than to have for example 6 x 2h > and that would be against my basic idea;)
i wanted as less restricions/rule as possible about the equip > because it would be become really complicated and i wanted to do it easy but still fair for all (atm its only: armor less than 22 in the weight, no plated chargers and the melee weapons for ranged)