1 x 1h shielder (only 1h)- you can use any 1h weapon and as much weapons as you want
- you are only allowed to spawn 1 shield
- your shield has to require at least 3 shield skill
- putting your shield on the back or looting an other shield is not allowed
- if you're using a 2h weapon in 1h mode, you're not allowed to switch this weapon into 2h mode at any time
- looting of an other weapon which isnt part you class is not allowed
1 x hoplite (only pole)- you can use any polearm as long its usable with your shield
- you are only allowed to spawn 1 shield
- your shield has to require at least 3 shield skill
- putting your shield on the back or looting an other shield is not allowed
- looting of an other weapon which isnt part you class is not allowed
1 x 2-hander- you can use any 2h weapon (excluded maul, mallet, great maul)
- looting of an other weapon which isnt part you class is not allowed
- no shield allowed
1 x crush through- you can use a maul, mallet, great maul or longmaul
- looting of an other weapon which isnt a crush trough is not allowed
- no shield allowed
1 x 1-hander without a shield- you can use any 1h weapon and as much weapons as you want
- no shield allowed
- if you're using a 2h weapon in 1h mode, you're not allowed to switch this weapon into 2h mode at any time
1 x polearmer- you can use any polearm (excluded long maul)
- no shield allowed
1 x cavalary (1h or 2h or pole)1h cavalary
- no plated charger
- you can use any 1h weapon and as much weapons as you want
- you are only allowed to spawn 1 shield
- your shield has to require at least 3 shield skill
- putting your shield on the back or looting an other shield is not allowed
- if you're using a 2h weapon in 1h mode, you're not allowed to switch this weapon into 2h mode at any time
- looting of an other weapon which isnt part you class is not allowed
- looting horses is not allowed
- notice, only 1 cav is allowed at all > so no HA/HX/HT + meele cav
- no plated charger
- you can use any 2h weapon (excluded maul, mallet, great maul)
- looting of an other weapon which isnt part you class is not allowed
- no shield allowed
- looting horses is not allowed
- notice, only 1 cav is allowed at all > so no HA/HX/HT + meele cav
- you can use any polearm (excluded long maul and great lance)
- you are only allowed to spawn 1 shield
- looting horses is not allowed
- notice, only 1 cav is allowed at all > so no HA/HX/HT + meele cav
1 x ranged (archer, xbow, HA or HX > only Pickaxe as melee weapon; thrower or HT > no side weapon and no shield)
- Pickaxe is the only melee weapon which is allowed
- looting horses, shileds or other melee weapons than a Pickaxe is not allowed
- looting of bows and arrows is allowed
- Pickaxe is the only melee weapon which is allowed
- looting horses, shields or other melee weapons than a Pickaxe is not allowed
- looting of x-bows or bolts is allowed
- no melee weapon at all
- no throwing lances, no shield, no horses
- looting of melee weapons, shileds and horses is not allowd
- looting of throwing weapons is allowed
- using throwing weapons in secondary mode is allowed
horse archer
- no plated charger
- Pickaxe is the only melee weapon which is allowed
- looting horses, shileds or other melee weapons than a Pickaxe is not allowed
- looting of bows and arrows is allowed
- notice, only 1 cav is allowed at all > so no HA/HX/HT + meele cav
- notice, only 1 ranged is allowed at all > so no HA/HX/HT + meele ranged
horse x-bow
- no plated charger
- Pickaxe is the only melee weapon which is allowed
- looting horses, shileds or other melee weapons than a Pickaxe is not allowed
- looting of x-bow and bolts is allowed
- notice, only 1 cav is allowed at all > so no HA/HX/HT + meele cav
- notice, only 1 ranged is allowed at all > so no HA/HX/HT + meele ranged
horse thrower
- no melee weapon at all
- no throwing lances, no plated charger
- looting horses, shileds or other melee weapons
- looting of melee weapons, shileds and horses is not allowd
- looting of throwing weapons is allowed
- using throwing weapons in secondary mode is allowed