Author Topic: EU_1 is dying  (Read 26200 times)

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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #90 on: November 25, 2012, 01:13:31 pm »
. People will use and abuse the shit out of games and mechanics if you let them. And this mod sure is making it possible.


glitching is allowed , bugusing (there are a lot of game mechanic bugs) and you dont get a perm ban with a little bit luck if you cheat (autoblock)

Got no Balls? Play archer. Got no sex? Play horse archer.

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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #91 on: November 25, 2012, 01:15:53 pm »
EU1 is dying because of Zerobot, Arrowblood, ROBINHOOD, Tennenoth and every other owner of Masterwork Longbow...

PS. I have one and I'm selling that beauty, PM me :P

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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #92 on: November 25, 2012, 01:18:20 pm »
I have played crpg for 1.5 year now. I have spent 99% of that time on EU2.


Well i dont care much for waiting several minutes to respawn.
I dont like being oneshot by lance cav, or bumpslashed by cav, or kited and shot to pieces by HA, HX.
I dont like being shot to shit by big groups of ranged and no cover to speak of that i can hide behind.
I dont enjoy the kind of cowardly gameplay that battle encourage, stay alive long enough and your team wins HURRAY.

Siege offers fast and constant action, action with a purpose (take flag, defend flag, open doors, close doors)
If i get shot or couched or ganked by a group of players i can respawn and either try to backstab them in turn, or i can do something else.

If battle had some sort of purpose other than camping "better" than the other team it might catch my interest a bit more. Master of the field flags spawning or something.
But i would have to play with a shield and a spear just to survive against all the fucking cav and ranged.

I want 4 attack directions. I want manual blocking.  Anything else is just lackluster

So in short,  fuck battle, its always been the shittiest gamemode. Finally people are beginning to realize that. Grats,
Well, people like you don't like battle, that is ok. But how the fuck you come to think that everybody is like you? Believe me, there are enough people that like battle exactly because there is no respawn and no forced goal like some flags or what.

For me siege is 10 times more boring, and I only play it here and there for some diversion and the lack of a TDM server (which would then be the variety from battle). If you're interested, I can tell you more detailed why I personally like battle and dislike siege, but I won't force my opinion on others and pretend it was the one truth in the world.

and btw., at all the other guys transferring their usual whining about this or that class onto this discussion: It's pathetic.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2012, 01:23:08 pm by The_Bloody_Nine »

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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #93 on: November 25, 2012, 02:06:32 pm »
you wanna know what i think about not anylonger playing on eu1 ?

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Quote from: Gnjus
yes thats the problem, no more nice clans, everyone acts like theyre the real thing but all are just greedy backstabbing arrogant sons of bitches

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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #94 on: November 25, 2012, 02:39:44 pm »
People said that numbers where low and blamed it on archers. Archers got nerfed again, so now what?

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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #95 on: November 25, 2012, 02:43:31 pm »
still archers   :D
trust no one, question everything

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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #96 on: November 25, 2012, 02:50:32 pm »
People said that numbers where low and blamed it on archers. Archers got nerfed again, so now what?


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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #97 on: November 25, 2012, 02:53:22 pm »
still archers   :D

Are they? Or is it constantly spoiling noobs by lowering the difficulty cap with archery nerfs? The easier the game is, the easier noobs will want it. Some drastic reality checks are needed in this comunity.


What am I to make of that? You've always supported that code, and it clearly doesn't work.

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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #98 on: November 25, 2012, 02:56:06 pm »
As the Overlord Chase said, remove night time, it doesn't bring anything and just bother everyone.
And as the second overlord royanss said, fix the server. Yersteday, we were about 65 on the server at 6 pm, the server crashed, the number of players felt to 40 and remained at this state until i decided to play something else, at 7 pm.

Just by fixing the server and removing night time, the number of players on EU_1 would increase imo. We might not reach 100-120 players as we used to know, but with 80 players on the server i would be already happy.

What make me quit the server are also maps, some are just disgusting and merely make me leave the server to go on duel or somewhere else. Put more classic/native maps, at least everyone enjoy them.

And about balance : There has always been lots of cav/archers, lots of nonskilled 2hs who just spam while backpeddaling, lots of pikemen and so on, the only "new" thing those last months are HX and an increase of HA, but i don't think they are the main problem, for me the main problem are those cited above.

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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #99 on: November 25, 2012, 02:58:08 pm »
For some reason its the upkeep that keeps me away from cRPG sometimes when the pop. is low :/
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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #100 on: November 25, 2012, 03:01:20 pm »
You know what would really be good? Replace the balancing team with good level headed players that actually play the game. Might help things, no offense devs, its just my opinion.

Also in my clan, we keep it interesting by changing our ways of playing. 80% of the time its just everyone randomcharge. But when Tyr and I arent lazy fucks, we sometimes do some tactics and see how they work. We also do a good mix of theme nights, made easier by the free respecc on STF chars... Favourites gotta be kinngrimm night, peasant night, lumberjack night and mount and musket style night with hunting xbows..... :D

Maybe someone would be interested in setting up a multiclan theme night? We did the police squad once, and the fallen countered us with suspicious immigrants which was fun.... Even some nords wanted to be mounted policemen with HX.

Most importantly some of these maps need to be point blank removed, cause when you see them you just want to quit immediately. Pueblo town is a great example. Fucking remove it and delete it and dance around on its ashes.... Royanns got it right, more native maps. Even the infamous old one with a ruin on a hill wouldnt be so bad if the hill was lowered quite a bit.
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Cymro: Wife beater stella
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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #101 on: November 25, 2012, 03:09:53 pm »
too much ranged and cav. imo thats why its dying...

**hides under the table before his head comes off**

I think part of the problem is that the fewer the players, the bigger the impact of cav and ranged against melee, and what we're seeing is that people just don't want to stick around as long for the server to fill up, and when numbers dwindle it starts to empty even faster than when it was more popular

When you have fewer players ranged have fewer targets to worry about, they don't have to worry about flanking armies quite so much or to get bumped to death by cav, and for melee you can't just hope some other guy gets hit while you charge and overwhelm a ranged position. You get stalemates in maps that should never have stalemates

Part of the problem is people were waiting for a big "nerf ranged" patch, and when it came it probably didn't do enough and so they get tired and shiny new games take their attention

People just get bored of games as well, people have played this for years. Its only natural to want to play new stuff. We have a lot of big releases lately like Chivalry, which is getting even more exposure and popularity (and they recently released a ranged nerf in that, they like doubled the draw time for all bows). That has atm 2k more players than the entirety of Warband, all the mods (maybe not crpg), all the single player people (the majority of M&B players). We just had Planetside 2 released. GW2 not long ago, and now we have autumn sales. Lots of games to try for people

Solutions? Get more new players into the game, and have them stick around long enough to learn the basics by not putting them in impossible situations for the first few hours. Make the first character from a new account level 20 or so, then start the retirement at lvl 1. Give new players free untradable looms (or nerf looms in general). Give new players an idea of what to do with skill points/stats rather than just plopping them into the game with no clue. Force them to make a character on the website before even logging into the game, with ideas for builds on the site (start char templates, that start the guy at lvl 20 or something in a chosen class). I think at this point its about getting new players, since the old school will leave anyway, and people can only get sick of aspects of at a game so much before moving on
If you have ranged troubles use this:

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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #102 on: November 25, 2012, 03:14:07 pm »
What am I to make of that? You've always supported that code, and it clearly doesn't work.

Between this one and my post you quoted, only one is not ironic.

The problem with EU_1 is much more complex than just classes that, combined with how the battle mode works, make the game obnoxious for some other classes, even though I'm sure that is a large part of the problem. On siege you are not forced to kill everybody. More precisely, you are not forced to kill classes you have no way of dealing with. It's also how the skill level on siege is (was ?) generally lower and the usually lower respawn time.

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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #103 on: November 25, 2012, 03:21:27 pm »
Remove looms and level, just keep the character skill modifier then maybe new people will come to this mod.

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Re: EU_1 is dying
« Reply #104 on: November 25, 2012, 03:42:04 pm »

Solutions? Get more new players into the game, and have them stick around long enough to learn the basics by not putting them in impossible situations for the first few hours. Make the first character from a new account level 20 or so, then start the retirement at lvl 1. Give new players free untradable looms (or nerf looms in general). Give new players an idea of what to do with skill points/stats rather than just plopping them into the game with no clue. Force them to make a character on the website before even logging into the game, with ideas for builds on the site (start char templates, that start the guy at lvl 20 or something in a chosen class). I think at this point its about getting new players, since the old school will leave anyway, and people can only get sick of aspects of at a game so much before moving on

I was talking on ts few days ago about same. Not just for new guys, but for everybody, when you retire strat from lvl 20. but you need to gather exp for all levels before to reach 21.
Why would all veteran players need to lvl up from lvl 1 each time they retire or create new char.  It's bullshit, pointless. I do agree that things were speed-ed up by adding eu 5 but still...

I would say that mode is fucked up with last patch. Overhead for poles are so fucked up but that is very old problem and nobody deals with it.
Everybody is cryin about cav? why? take the fucking long spear. even if youre 1h, 2h or archer or whatever you can take long spear for few round and deal with cav.
If youre shot by archer, hide use teammate with shield. i know you heard it million times but its like that. you cant be all in one, but that's why you have teammates.

Also, great reason why is this mod dying is because there is no TEAM PLAY at all.

Spectate Eu1 for few rounds, set your camera to see whole field take popcorns and enjoy epic spread outs.

Bind teams. Dunno how, score system was good try but we need something else.

Maybe each team needs general and 2-3 deputies. if you don't move around em, your ath, ps, wm and rest of skill and attributes will drop down.
you will become weaker.

Americas army had great system. Does any1 remember it?
Based on your score last map, you chose your position in team. so, if youre first on scoreboard, next map you choose first and you can apply for comander of team and etc..

I'm sure that some will know to explain it much better.

Tl;dr: Old McDonald had a farm.
Urist: Being crpg mod makes you go insane at some point. look at meow, he thinks he's a fcking cat