I have played crpg for 1.5 year now. I have spent 99% of that time on EU2.
Well i dont care much for waiting several minutes to respawn.
I dont like being oneshot by lance cav, or bumpslashed by cav, or kited and shot to pieces by HA, HX.
I dont like being shot to shit by big groups of ranged and no cover to speak of that i can hide behind.
I dont enjoy the kind of cowardly gameplay that battle encourage, stay alive long enough and your team wins HURRAY.
Siege offers fast and constant action, action with a purpose (take flag, defend flag, open doors, close doors)
If i get shot or couched or ganked by a group of players i can respawn and either try to backstab them in turn, or i can do something else.
If battle had some sort of purpose other than camping "better" than the other team it might catch my interest a bit more. Master of the field flags spawning or something.
But i would have to play with a shield and a spear just to survive against all the fucking cav and ranged.
I want 4 attack directions. I want manual blocking. Anything else is just lackluster
So in short, fuck battle, its always been the shittiest gamemode. Finally people are beginning to realize that. Grats,