Hello potential members, we are currently recruiting and here is a little about us.
We are a small clan so far made out of old crpg players some of us both in age and in time playing crpg;) We the founding members used to be part of Deserters but we left there when they disolved into merc in strat so now we have our own so far 4 man strong clan.
Our clan goals are to get as many to play strat as possible in the clan it wont be a requirement though for joining us if we like you, we let you join anyway despite you dont play strat;)
There is however a few things we would like as in you being over minimum 20 years of age but we prefer atleast 25 as we have had plenty of bad experince with younger players.
Also there is another thing we dont let anyone join just like that, anyone that want to join into our clan will be on a triel period where we will find out if the chemestry is allright:)
there is a few ways of joining us one is to join nditions ts and go to the war dogs channel if we there you can ask ofc, but else you should write either W_D_Maddane or me W_D_Sun_Tzu on the charekter page