Actually, im not sure if a_bear_irl has posted on strategus issues yet, but he was repeatedly within 1 meter of Rohypnol and it wouldnt trigger attack. He was moving twice as fast as rohypnol and even ran ahead of him into the village he was headed to and then selected attack from there so there was a direct overlap of paths and it just sent him right over rohy without attacking (rohy had not deviated his path in the slightest). We are talking 10-11 times where it would not register attack no matter how close he got with no juking being done.
I think I heard about someone being bugged like this before, I think Syls_of_Tkov, where the 1 hour window bugged out and someone was indefinitely unable to be attacked.
Since Shik changed his nighttime setting while under attack to be given an extra 7 hour window of reinforcement after the battle BIRD clan had to lock down rohy to be able attack shik or his village or smoothrich (who was close enough to rohy to be normally reinforced). Thanks to that bug allowing rohy to go to dhibbian and being completely immune to attack and shik abusing the nighttime settings BIRD clan had to call off all their other attacks lest they open themselves to losing their fights to reinforcement by an army immune to interception.
Also, Smoothrich - slight exaggeration?? We had our 1 trader down there Murdertron who has been running around wth close to 1000 troops for a couple months now and was the only one in the area to help defend BIRD clan (had to drop off trade goods to do so) and 2 lljk armies with 3 armies 2 1000 shiny man armies and shik with 2000 horses on the other side. So BIRD clan had to have 1 intercept each for it to work out wihtout you guys having a 12 hour reinforcement window screwing them over in the battle because Shik abused his nighttime settings.