Author Topic: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)  (Read 59345 times)

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #225 on: July 27, 2014, 08:59:56 pm »
So haven't really followed this thread lately, what's happening? I see some people are playing this? Did you have to buy in for this or how are you testing?

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #226 on: July 27, 2014, 10:15:30 pm »
So haven't really followed this thread lately, what's happening? I see some people are playing this? Did you have to buy in for this or how are you testing?

You need to pay 50€ to play it in the closed alpha/beta otherwise it will cost like 20€-30€ but its not out yet, release date is about Q4 2014 so october ~ november ~ december
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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #227 on: July 27, 2014, 10:39:09 pm »
From those of you testing it atm, how much of the game is roughly done, they've set some pretty ambitious goals for themselves and hearing that release is Q4 2014 makes me sceptical.

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #228 on: July 27, 2014, 11:35:31 pm »
From those of you testing it atm, how much of the game is roughly done, they've set some pretty ambitious goals for themselves and hearing that release is Q4 2014 makes me sceptical.

bare fooking bones, by that i mean, you can do the basics of the game, like building, mining, etc.  But combat is still being worked on, they just added ranged combat, there arent any animals yet, no carts/wheelbarrows or boats yet.  No horses yet which ends up with you walkin or swimming everywhere.  You cant do farming yet, as you need stuff to do with animals, and they havent put them in yet, so farming doesnt work too well, or rather we havent been able to test it without having the damn critters.  You can terraform like a mofo though, good god, i spent hours terraforming and mining.  Oh you can smelt things, and craft items with that sort of stuff.  You cant do any character creation or customization yet, as it crashes the server, you cant be a female character either.  None of the religious aspect is added atm either.  I havent tried building claims or anything yet, so idk how that works out yet, or if its even in the game yet.

Honestly, i would say its about 25% of what the game should be.  Its buggy, and random glitches occur, like we lit a fire on the last test in a smelter and crashed our server lol.  They instantly put a hotfix up for it within 10mins and we continued playing.  Its rather nice that each individual server in the clusters can continue running or be updated on the fly by developers when players arent in it, Which occurred to us.  The developer is incredibly responsive, so thats a huge plus, and the servers are beyond the point of them spastically crashing like they did in earlier renditions of the game; our first test of the game lasted 10mins lol, now its up all day.  Another thing is, they are at that point i believe where we will begin to see them leaving up the server for a few days, which will be nice, since as of currently, testing is done every week, or every other and lasts around 10 hours or so.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 11:43:00 pm by AntiBlitz »

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #229 on: July 28, 2014, 10:39:20 am »
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The goal of Strategus battles shouldnt be to deprive your enemies of players, but to have full roster both sides and have the gear/tactics/strategy win the day rather than lack of merc support.

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #230 on: July 29, 2014, 07:18:16 pm »
Well you could just make a kingdom with the leaders of each clan and the clans are vassals of this kingdom  :D

My word, c-rpg will reign supreme!

chadzianity for all?
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
But he'll be around somewhere between Heaven and The Devil, because neither of them will take him in, and he'll be farting loudly and singing a filthy song.

i'll be there at around

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #231 on: July 29, 2014, 08:15:17 pm »
My word, c-rpg will reign supreme!

chadzianity for all?

Thats what we are kind of planning to do just with language instead of clans - we need someone leading english ppl tho cause we have germans and polish already even more coming cause we have seen a nice spot out. ;-) But its a long way till MMO is there :-(
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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #232 on: July 29, 2014, 08:24:52 pm »
I'd love to try a MMO with a combat system like M&B's, like this game, but then I read that it has full loot and that people usually fight naked and with crappy weapons.

Would playing all the time with proper gear be an utopia then (if you lose everything when you die)? I have never played a MMO with full loot, so, if someone could explain how that works, I'd appreciate it.

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #233 on: July 29, 2014, 08:54:38 pm »
I'd love to try a MMO with a combat system like M&B's, like this game, but then I read that it has full loot and that people usually fight naked and with crappy weapons.

Would playing all the time with proper gear be an utopia then (if you lose everything when you die)? I have never played a MMO with full loot, so, if someone could explain how that works, I'd appreciate it.

I reckon there will be basic weapons that arenttoo hard to get? I see your point though - everyone going out nekkid wouldn't be fun. But I reckon grouping up plus wearing armor could negate this. Back in the old times peopl never used to travel alone, right? Wearing armour in a group can cause your survivability to increase exponentially, whilst solo itll be mostly a gold loss - since you are far more viable to get ganked.

Maybe some sort of travelling mode that you enable that makes your movement 10% faster could make travelling more safe and escaping more viable, though lets say it would take 2 minutes to be enabled, otherwise a highwayman can easily switch between them.

Idk, this is what I would do to give travellers a chance to escape, in the travel mode you cant attack for example.

Thats what we are kind of planning to do just with language instead of clans - we need someone leading english ppl tho cause we have germans and polish already even more coming cause we have seen a nice spot out. ;-) But its a long way till MMO is there :-(

No no no, no :-( ! Just :-)

This is what you should do:

  • work every day 24/7 till MMO release
  • safe EVERYTHINg!
  • eat your neighbours pets and blame the strange creepy old guy that lives 8 houses down the road
  • release day: you quit irl and play MMO non-stop
  • winplanwins

This is wy chadz is so slow with developing - he is giving us time to prepare!
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 09:01:25 pm by Joseph Porta »
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
But he'll be around somewhere between Heaven and The Devil, because neither of them will take him in, and he'll be farting loudly and singing a filthy song.

i'll be there at around

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #234 on: July 30, 2014, 12:53:23 am »
I'd love to try a MMO with a combat system like M&B's, like this game, but then I read that it has full loot and that people usually fight naked and with crappy weapons.

Would playing all the time with proper gear be an utopia then (if you lose everything when you die)? I have never played a MMO with full loot, so, if someone could explain how that works, I'd appreciate it.

unlike say Ultima online, if you are out and about, and die, you lose skill points, so dying is not really an option.  Thats the thing, it wont be like Darkfall or Ultima with all the people running about naked.  Its more akin to Eve online, where you dont normally stroll about in something unles you are prepared to fight or lose it, and upon your loss, you may lose skill points with it. 

Also, not everyone can be a fighter, or rather everyone can be, but there will be a huge difference between a soldier, and say a hermit in the woods.  So if someones going to be a bandit, and attack you, they may not necessarily have the skills to fight well if you are a soldier, where as they may end the life of a farmer easily.

Gear has degradation, so it will become damaged, and eventually fall apart.  So youll need to repair it, or whetever as the gear will become damaged even in conflict, and to repair it, youll need a goodsmith.  This means that there isnt necessarily like in Wow an endgame pvp gear set that youll never lose.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 12:57:22 am by AntiBlitz »

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #235 on: August 02, 2014, 08:12:54 am »
I am so looking forward to this. Will be buying most likely when it comes out on steam for the beta (if that is still occurring). I also like the fact that its a one time fee rather than monthly. Its per character last I checked but still... that's awesome.
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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #236 on: August 02, 2014, 03:35:42 pm »
I'd love to try a MMO with a combat system like M&B's, like this game, but then I read that it has full loot and that people usually fight naked and with crappy weapons.

Would playing all the time with proper gear be an utopia then (if you lose everything when you die)? I have never played a MMO with full loot, so, if someone could explain how that works, I'd appreciate it.

Full loot is the best MMO ruleset I've ever played.  It makes you weigh risk vs reward every time you set out on an adventure.  It makes encounters where your life is on the line that much more dramatic and exciting.  As others have said, you will likely want to be in a group of players if you decide to take out a decent set of armor and weapons, as it would be very easy to get ganked by a few guys if you're by yourself.  Similar to real life, having numbers will be important for not only surviving but getting a leg up on the competition.  I hope I can get enough time to actually play this game as it looks awesome so far what I've seen.
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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #237 on: August 02, 2014, 04:09:44 pm »
somebody crashed my server node lol, i couldnt play pretty much at all in the last play test. :(

Though i did find out that if you attempt to enter a crashed server node, it gives you the warning "God does not want you here, turn back now!"

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #238 on: August 02, 2014, 08:43:10 pm »
Full loot is the best MMO ruleset I've ever played.  It makes you weigh risk vs reward every time you set out on an adventure.  It makes encounters where your life is on the line that much more dramatic and exciting.  As others have said, you will likely want to be in a group of players if you decide to take out a decent set of armor and weapons, as it would be very easy to get ganked by a few guys if you're by yourself.  Similar to real life, having numbers will be important for not only surviving but getting a leg up on the competition.  I hope I can get enough time to actually play this game as it looks awesome so far what I've seen.

As long as the combat allows one to successfully fight off a couple people (if their skill is good enough), I'm definitely down. Its not like I expect to be able to hold off 10 guys and win but as long as the combat mechanics allow for one to successfully win against 2 or possibly 3 if they are good enough (note: not because of their equipment being l33t vs the others) then I will definitely be down with this game.

Its one of the reasons I love warband. I can win vs a player with shit equipment if I'm good enough. Its just down to blocking skill, footwork, knowing when to attack, what attacks are best in that moment and so forth. Because I'd love to play some hermit with a walking stick and kick 3 bandit's asses when they try and ambush me.
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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #239 on: September 02, 2014, 04:43:05 pm »
   LiF:YO is coming!

LiF:YO Steam Early Alpha release is really close and probably should happen at 19th of September 2014! Unfortunately due to our limited server capabilities we have to cease alpha tests of LiF:MMO in order to run official LiF:YO servers on these servers. IF things go good, we plan to bring LiF:MMO servers up and ready for tests as soon as possible.

As a compensation, current Alpha testers will receive CD keys for both testing and release versions of LiF:YO. We really looking forward for your help to test out LiF:YO with us.

Testers will “soon” © be able to receive their testing CD keys here:

P.S LiF:YO release date was not confirmed by Valve yet and might change.
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