Author Topic: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG  (Read 28080 times)

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #195 on: April 27, 2011, 11:37:36 pm »
I agree fully with Veryag. I too played crpg since it first came out. I remember the dedication, intenseness, and core skill of the players and their characters. But now there is nothing to keep us wanting to play. We can do anything with our characters much too easily. Change from from a fully heirloomed archer to a fully heirloomed xbowmen in 2 months. There is no dedication to build your character up to your desired skills. You cannot possibly become a 24 str, 24 agi 2Her or do any other epic dream build because the cap is at lvl 35. (almost impossible to get to anyways). At crpg's first times I saw the most skilled people with sweet gear and skills and I desired to be like them. Now there is no desire to play crpg.
24 agi 2hander is definetly reachable and a good build too. There are still people with sweet skills, actually way better skills than back then. So you can still desire to be like them. Thats my main goal when playing crpg, become very skilled. A lot of the people agreeing with the OP should indeed take off their nostalgia glasses off and compare the game now and back then a little more objectively. Ofcourse playing with a limited community where you know everyone is more fun than playing with a load of strangers. That is where clans come in.

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #196 on: April 27, 2011, 11:58:10 pm »
Im bored of CRPG....

Been looking around for other mods/games. But i found out, its all shit.

CRPG is just the least smelly heap of shit around :wink:

If it wasnt for the Mercs...
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 12:47:46 am by Jambi »
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Also, most fucked up brain of the year award goes to jambi. Well done.

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #197 on: April 28, 2011, 12:01:13 am »
Bah half the people cry about not being able to make super high level characters while the other half cry about not being bale to fight people as a peasant.

Whats to be done?

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #198 on: April 28, 2011, 12:48:36 am »
Bah half the people cry about not being able to make super high level characters while the other half cry about not being bale to fight people as a peasant.

Whats to be done?

L2P ?  :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #199 on: April 28, 2011, 01:14:31 am »
I know a lot of people turn away from crpg due to the initial grind

Good for them. cRPG probably isn't what they wanted it was. Everyone started as a peasant and still we are all here, normal humans, having fun playing a videogame. I don't see how it was such a traumatic thing to start as a peasant. If it is removed (it partially already is), the community we got will continue to get worse. It used to be way over the standards.

We lost the magic of the first decent weapon, I remember when I just bought my shortened voulge and started to make kills. Now every newcomer is peasant during one or two hours then it's finished. He doesn't even have the time to feel how the game changes along with very slow and small level and equipment improves. If it's too fast, the magic doesn't work. People used to be a lot more attached to their builds and chars before the latest patch. Now as everything comes very fast, you can just change and make the latest trend EZ mode build (throwing hybrid at the moment), literally forgetting your old build.

As the only important thing is the multiplier, many people will "sell their soul" to a cheap, effective and completly unoriginal build. Nothing is hard to get anyway.

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #200 on: April 28, 2011, 01:45:19 am »
We lost the magic of the first decent weapon, I remember when I just bought my shortened voulge and started to make kills.

Ofc you lost this feeling, and he will never return, you played and abused cRPG in every sense :) now it's nostalgia  :( (this is not directed against you personnaly ofc)
So what do you miss? is to be a peasant or be better than most players because you spent more time than them (lvl 40+ plated HA for example, n'est-ce pas?  :D)

And who told you the guy who starts to play and who just bought his first good weapon did not feel the same way that you?

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #201 on: April 28, 2011, 08:36:25 am »
When the patch comes out... it wont be worth it too grind anymore, or spend too much time on CRPG

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Love will tear us apart.
Also, most fucked up brain of the year award goes to jambi. Well done.

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #202 on: April 28, 2011, 04:03:04 pm »
the POINT is that fortunately we have a level cap (psssst and i say its good.. even if it is too low.) BUT some ridicolous no lifer kids like vicious666 grinded full heirloom sets just to hope to be the 2011 olwen-wannabe hero.

So or we put a GENERATION cap fairly low (6 heirlooms seems fair... a masterwork weapon + a lordly body armor, or whatever.) or we get rid of the level cap too.

now its nonsense to have a level cap but hiding the grind behind the generation route. i saw arrow glancing/bouncing on high gen full plate players.

if we had level 42+ wpf stackers before, now we have heavy tanks with 80+ armor.

and guess why crpg topped near 600+ players in the same time prepatch and now hardly reach 350.

i find this very lolstastic,  considering that you where at best   a mediocre 2hander, until you decided to grind 10 generation and use a  TOTAL NO SKILL weapon with pierce dmg+crushthrue.+wpf stack  (morningstar)  than again  is loltastic  that you exactly disappear  from the game       when your  OP build is no more.  instead adapt like i have done,  and now you complain that i made many gen   exactly like you do, except that  i not crushtrue ppl with  300 wpf.

I was a good player since this game started  always on top list, and every time this game changed i adapted myself, for remain at top , i not was good for a patch like you did, becouse  i am using an uber crushthrue pierce weapon., the fact is that even now after 5-6 months that you not see mee, you still talk about me, when i barely remember you.  except for be a mediocre 2hander.

games changes,  you are only a victim of evolution.     other play adapt. and manage to stay on top, becouse they rely on skill not on  the OP weapon of the moment. , 2h still the faster weapon in game,  and  player like Bjord and Phyrex are superior to the top  1h+shielders by a big margin , thx to lolstab, range, dmg, and animations.

you seams only a  boy who broken his toy, and since now have no  more time or stamina for grind more gen,  point the fingers on others, for blame his own incapacity.

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #203 on: April 28, 2011, 04:08:41 pm »
^lulz it happened again :P

I do agree on most of your post, some parts i disagree with (you being good for one) :)

« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 04:10:28 pm by Babelfish »

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #204 on: April 28, 2011, 05:13:34 pm »
I guess many lost hope, but the final goal is Strategus, gen and heirloom will not be usefull in Strat...

Btw i don't find heirloom op, that doesn't unbalance the game, anyone can be xxgen with full heirlooms, he's still killable. I smile when i steal heirloom from the guy i just killed.

But again this will not change anything in Strategus...

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #205 on: April 29, 2011, 02:12:11 am »
Hi folks,

To start with, this is not a rage or drama thread (I hope). It’s the voice of despaired.

In this thread I will share with you my thoughts and concerns on the current state of cRPG project. To start with, I will present my cRPG experience, just to show that I have a right to say.

I started playing cRPG the next week it came public. I was the second player that bought horse in cRPG, which was immensely expensive at that time.  I am a member of Mercs clan. I am a donator. Also, this week I was permanently banned on all EU servers for attacking friendly tincans with my LVL 1 CHAR ARMED WITH KNIFE! Yes, I am a dangerous man!

It gave me time to think about what’s going on in cRPG.

Ok, enough about me, I shall get to the topic. What we now call the “early cRPG beta” (and what I consider the only true cRPG) attracted me in the first place with the idea that I could have a persistent character THAT IS CONSTANTLY IMPROVING AND DEVELOPING. I.e. every time you levelled up at that time, or bought new piece of equip, was like a holiday, a celebration if you wish. Huge amounts of joy, and I am very grateful to chadz for these moments! Levelling was very slow, items were very expensive, cRPG life was full of meaning. The dev team is constantly talking about balance, nerfs, rebalance, tweaks. IMHO the “early beta” paradoxically was the most balanced and joyful cRPG experience I had so far. You may disagree with that, but THAT’S MY IMHO.

So, where are we now? Where is that CONSTANTLY IMPROVING AND DEVELOPING thing now? Well, pretty much it’s gone. As soon as you hit lvl 31 (and for me it takes about one week and a half), the IMPROVING AND DEVELOPING part is over, since I can afford pretty much everything, every equip. I am not a cRPG millionaire, but I have 200k gold and masterwork primary weapon. As for levelling, as you know, lvl 35 is the cap, and there is no big difference between lvls 31 and 35. So, personally I kept playing only for the sake of funny fights, 3 vs 1 fights I can win, for adrenalin. Now tell me what is the big difference between current cRPG and Warband? In both games players have same levels, same weapons (albeit a bit smaller variability in Warband), same armors. And this is very sad. I mean, c’mon, when was the last time we saw large scale PEASANT WARS?

Another thing that bothers me is the ease with which you can be teamkilled and can teamkill yourself. No real penalties. IMHO this is a shame. Now if you teamkill someone, your whole team suffers (as if it is their fault), while before only you were personally responsible for TKs. And responsibility was harsh, and for good. I would be glad to see the old TK penalty system back.

To conclude, cRPG is clearly loosing it’s magic, and this is sad. And probably very soon cRPG will lose me (which will make some of you, my old virtual enemies, very happy, but I really don’t care).

I hope this testimony will trigger some deep reflection in general public and the dev team. And no disrespect meant.

Well said.  :cry: I will be happy when Strat happens though.
For while the fire in the heart of a single Remnant still burns... can Stratia truly have fallen?

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #206 on: April 29, 2011, 02:43:10 am »

i find this very lolstastic,  considering that you where at best   a mediocre 2hander, until you decided to grind 10 generation and use a  TOTAL NO SKILL weapon with pierce dmg+crushthrue.+wpf stack  (morningstar)  than again  is loltastic  that you exactly disappear  from the game       when your  OP build is no more.  instead adapt like i have done,  and now you complain that i made many gen   exactly like you do, except that  i not crushtrue ppl with  300 wpf.

I was a good player since this game started  always on top list, and every time this game changed i adapted myself, for remain at top , i not was good for a patch like you did, becouse  i am using an uber crushthrue pierce weapon., the fact is that even now after 5-6 months that you not see mee, you still talk about me, when i barely remember you.  except for be a mediocre 2hander.

games changes,  you are only a victim of evolution.     other play adapt. and manage to stay on top, becouse they rely on skill not on  the OP weapon of the moment. , 2h still the faster weapon in game,  and  player like Bjord and Phyrex are superior to the top  1h+shielders by a big margin , thx to lolstab, range, dmg, and animations.

you seams only a  boy who broken his toy, and since now have no  more time or stamina for grind more gen,  point the fingers on others, for blame his own incapacity.

i didn't quit because patch removed blockcrush from morningstar. i quit because my daughter born in december. and she needs me a lot more than your little "i'm a good player... a merc." crpg world.

go on and provoke... you'll be only muted.over and over little troll born in the nineties.

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #207 on: April 29, 2011, 07:00:17 am »
i didn't quit because patch removed blockcrush from morningstar. i quit because my daughter born in december. and she needs me a lot more than your little "i'm a good player... a merc." crpg world.

go on and provoke... you'll be only muted.over and over little troll born in the nineties.
Congratulations. Btw the 90's were a COOL time to be born. IMO :D
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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #208 on: April 29, 2011, 01:54:18 pm »
Congratulations. Btw the 90's were a COOL time to be born. IMO :D

thanks a lot. just some kids don't understand that there are other things beside sleeping in a classroom and the whole rest of the time play crpg.

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Re: Varyag's testimony on the current state of cRPG
« Reply #209 on: April 29, 2011, 02:37:10 pm »
Only one cool decade to be born in and that was the 70s :D, to live thru the 90s was cool what I can remember of it :)